I'm new to WebFocus, and I'm getting tired of encrypting and decrypting focexec's. I was just whipping up a shell script to do alot of this for me, but cant seem to get edastart -x to work right. For example:
[blue]edastart -x "SET PASS='mypassword' ; ENCRYPT FILE set.fex FOCEXEC ; FIN"[/blue]
.. just gives me:
set pass='mypassword' ; encrypt file set.fex focexec ; fin
... it doesnt actually do the encrypting/decrypting. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ? Can you not chain up commands with a semicolon ?
I'm new to WebFocus, and I'm getting tired of encrypting and decrypting focexec's. I was just whipping up a shell script to do alot of this for me, but cant seem to get edastart -x to work right. For example:
[blue]edastart -x "SET PASS='mypassword' ; ENCRYPT FILE set.fex FOCEXEC ; FIN"[/blue]
.. just gives me:
set pass='mypassword' ; encrypt file set.fex focexec ; fin
... it doesnt actually do the encrypting/decrypting. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ? Can you not chain up commands with a semicolon ?