First off I know nothing about Unix. I have a Unix server, a HP LH-4 running Unix. I need to add memory. It currently has 256, I need to at least double it. It is running a hospital information system (h.i.s.). The his company monitors it and told me that it is low on memory. They want over $900.00 to add 256mb of ram. They told me it was SDRAM. I am not sure what speed (PC-66, 100, etc). I am quite comfortable with Windows comuters. I have actually built from scratch 3 raid-5 Windows 2003 servers that we use. I am being told by the HIS people that they have to run a utility to reset the kernel and some other stuff when the ram is upgraded. As I said, I know nothing about UNIX. Is this something I can do? I hate to pay them this much money for something that should only cost a fraction of that.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.