I have a very (probably stupid) simple question that has eluded me for some time- How do you share files in a native *nix environment? I have no problems moving files back and forth with ftp, but have never been able to find a good article on Unix/Linux's native file sharing. Does anybody know of a good tutorial on this subject? I haven't been able to find one yet (I have the FreeBSD handbook and didn't see anything in there, nor can I find anything on the web). My other questions would be - How do you share a file or folder, and how would you connect to that folder from a client? (I am used to Network Neighbourhood, and mapping drives to connect to shares). I am not talking about a mixed environment, I know that's what Samba is for, just a pure *nix environment.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.