Setup: Home office has W2K domain with 8 servers, XP Pro client machines. When travelling, a group of about 3-8 users will take along a travel server (DC on a laptop) for a mini-network setup. While outside of the office, they can see all other machines within that mini-network, including the travel server which they use for file storage, and they have internet access which allows them to connect back to the home office via terminal services.
Problem: Now a CISCO VPN device has been installed, and when we first connect back to the office through the VPN, we can no longer get to the travel server or other travelling computers, and if we connect to the travel server/network first, we cannot get to the VPN. So, if we are on the VPN and try to print to the local travel server that is sharing a printer, it seems as if our computer is going through the VPN and trying to find that printer back at the home network....We have tried different configurations, different IP schemes, routing tables, etc. but nothing is working...
Is it an either/or situation where if you get on a VPN, you cannot get to locally shared resources and vice-versa?
Thanks to any gurus out there who can help
Problem: Now a CISCO VPN device has been installed, and when we first connect back to the office through the VPN, we can no longer get to the travel server or other travelling computers, and if we connect to the travel server/network first, we cannot get to the VPN. So, if we are on the VPN and try to print to the local travel server that is sharing a printer, it seems as if our computer is going through the VPN and trying to find that printer back at the home network....We have tried different configurations, different IP schemes, routing tables, etc. but nothing is working...
Is it an either/or situation where if you get on a VPN, you cannot get to locally shared resources and vice-versa?
Thanks to any gurus out there who can help