I have a unique query. I have a report that is created with Group headers only. (inherited not own creation). I don't want to have to redo the whole thing as it is 36 pages (Property lease agreement). I would like to be able to have page numbers for the "lease section" and nothing for the remaining sections. Is this even possible?
Report header (suppressed)
Page header (suppressed)
Group header #1(a-af)
Group Footer(suppressed)
Report footer (suppressed)
Page Footer (NOT suppressed) - This is where I have page numbering and a few other disclaimers.
Again would it be possible to have page numbering for Group header #1c - #1f and nothing for the other GH's?
GH#1a & #1b no page numbering or ii, iii, etc
GH#1c - #1f page numbered as 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc
Remaining headers no numbering
Thanks in advance. I am assuming I am going to eventually have to redo this whole thing to achieve a lot of the things. But would prefer not to as there are 36 variations of this rpt with the same numbering request.
Report header (suppressed)
Page header (suppressed)
Group header #1(a-af)
Group Footer(suppressed)
Report footer (suppressed)
Page Footer (NOT suppressed) - This is where I have page numbering and a few other disclaimers.
Again would it be possible to have page numbering for Group header #1c - #1f and nothing for the other GH's?
GH#1a & #1b no page numbering or ii, iii, etc
GH#1c - #1f page numbered as 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc
Remaining headers no numbering
Thanks in advance. I am assuming I am going to eventually have to redo this whole thing to achieve a lot of the things. But would prefer not to as there are 36 variations of this rpt with the same numbering request.