I need a reliable way to generate an invoice#. Autonumbering is not the answer, as an invoice can have more than one item, and I want each assoicated item to have the same invoice#.<br>
My current solution is pretty klugy [and ineffective!]: I have a separate Invoice# table which (when a button is clicked on the Invoice form) will increment the current number and place it in the Invoice# field on the Invoice form. Unfortunately I can't make it work properly: I resorted to "pasting" the number and since the clipboard now holds the last 15 items, the pasted Invoice# remains the same after the first action.<br>
A better way would be to have the invoice item(s) entered first and then generate an Invoice# for the item(s).<br>
Any suggestions? Thanx in advance.
My current solution is pretty klugy [and ineffective!]: I have a separate Invoice# table which (when a button is clicked on the Invoice form) will increment the current number and place it in the Invoice# field on the Invoice form. Unfortunately I can't make it work properly: I resorted to "pasting" the number and since the clipboard now holds the last 15 items, the pasted Invoice# remains the same after the first action.<br>
A better way would be to have the invoice item(s) entered first and then generate an Invoice# for the item(s).<br>
Any suggestions? Thanx in advance.