I have to run a union queries and bring them into a crosstab format.
The query does a
select on basetype,producttype,sourcesystem,dollaramount
where sourcesystem ='A'
and transaction type ='1'
Select on basetype,producttype,sourcesystem,dollaramount
where sourcesystem ='B'
and transaction type = '2'
Now transaction type '1' and '2' have to be put as in one bucket called as common and i want to display as follows
productype ,dollaramount
common (1 &2 )
The query does a
select on basetype,producttype,sourcesystem,dollaramount
where sourcesystem ='A'
and transaction type ='1'
Select on basetype,producttype,sourcesystem,dollaramount
where sourcesystem ='B'
and transaction type = '2'
Now transaction type '1' and '2' have to be put as in one bucket called as common and i want to display as follows
productype ,dollaramount
common (1 &2 )