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Unintellegence Attacks Mid-West 2

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Jan 12, 2006
It seems like I'm surrounded by more sub-par intellectuals than most on here, so I thought I'd share a few recent incidents from people around me.

Incident #1: A guy I work with was asking about different sandwich selections at a local Subway restaurant, and made his decision, but needed to know the price. He asks the girl behind the counter, "How much is a foot-long?" Her reply was holding her hands about twelve inches apart, and saying, "About that much." Dead-serious. No smile.

Incident #2: A friend of mine calls me, and asks, "Is Alaska an island?" My reply was, "You're joking, right?" She was not, however. She saw a truck in Indiana with Alaskan plates, and couldn't figure out how it got to Indiana, and her husband told her they probably drove, and she thought that was funny because everyone knows trucks don't float. Her argument for thinking it was an island, is that when looking at a map of the United States, Alaska is typically shown in a separate box in the corner of the map... Right by Hawaii.

Incident #3: Same girl from incident #2. She was helping her husband fill out a job application, and was going through the checklist the employer sent along. One of the items on the checklist was, "Be sure to include your return mailing address on the envelope." She got a blank stare, and looks at her husband going, "Honey, I know what our mailing address is, but what's a return mailing address?"

Incident #4: Eating at Hacienda (local Mexican restaurant) a few months ago, I asked our waitress what day that Cinco de Mayo fell on this year. She said she would check, and walks over to a calender to see. She came back and said, "It looks like it's on the fifth of May this year." I found that funny enough in itself, but didn't laugh, and simply said, "No, I meant what day? As in Monday, Tuesday..." She then came back with another classic line, "Oh, so it's one of those holidays like Thanksgiving that falls on the last Thursday of the month."

Incident #5: Same girl from incident #2. We were swimming at her house one day, and she got home about the same time as her brother-in-law was leaving. Well, after he left I told her that he dropped a cigarette in the pool, and burnt a hole in the bottom. She looked down, and saw a brown sap stain on the bottom, and flew into a fury! She was out for blood! Well, we got her calmed down, and then I simply told her, "Think about it. How could a cigarette burn the bottom of a pool full of water?" Her reply, "I know. I know. It would float."

Let's hear some of yours.
I hope you don't get labeled chauvinist for using only women in your examples.

Oh, and

<SPELLCHECK>Unintellegence Attacks Mid-West</SPELLCHECK>


Phil Hegedusich
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Pity the insomniac dyslexic agnostic. He stays up all night, wondering if there really is a dog.
Back when we were kids, the "high-tech" electronic item of the day (besides black-and-white TV) was reel-to-reel tape recorders. For Family Home Evening on Monday nights, my dad used to love to "interview" us.

One of our favourite tape recordings from that era is when my dad was interviewing my then-3-year-old (now 48-year-old) sister
Dad: "Rebecca, I understand that you have been learning to count. Will you count for us?"

Rebecca: "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10."

Dad: "Can you go any higher?"

Rebecca (in as high pitched a screeching voice as she could muster): "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10."
I noticed that a national banking-advertising campaign is using similar schtick.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
A first-grade classmate, asked to write out numbers from 1 to 1000, made it to 100 just fine, then:

101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,.... 200.

And so on. Art Linkletter would've been proud.
My 6-year-old niece, Jessica, was helping my mother get started one morning. Mom said, "First I need to take my medicine."

Jessica brought Mom's medicine bottle, trying to open the bottle as she walked toward Mom. Mom said, "Oh, don't worry, Jessica...You can't open the bottle...it has a child-proof lid on it."

Jessica inspected the bottle further and asked, "How does it know?"

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]

My sister made the Varsity soccer team her freshman year, one practice towards the end of the school year, the Seniors on the team were talking about college applications and what ethnicity they were going to put on the applications. They were going around the group, finally they got to my sister, and they asked, are you going to put Caucasian on your application? My sister reply's “Heck no I am white”

Scott Williams

"Global Warming is caused by the sun" - Anonymous

Kids are too easy. I knew a woman who was told when you're moving out of an apartment you can use toothpaste to fill in the nail holes you put in the walls.

She did.

With her blue gel toothpaste.


Does not play well with others
My flat mate is known for her fantastic comments. Here is my favourite.

At the Oval Cricket Club with her new boss.

Concorde flew over.

"Wow" we all said.
25 minutes later, Concorde flew over the other way.

"Wow!" she said. "It can't be far to New York!".

I gently pointed out that there was more than one plane...


The question should be [red]Is it worth trying to do?[/red] not [blue] Can it be done?[/blue]
Walking along the River Thames the other day when I overheard an american tourist who pointed at the river and asked their friend;

So is it a River or the Atlantic ?


Filmmaker, gentleman and polla stilo eleous
Yes Donbott, kids are too easy. A friend of mine from high school, the oldest of 3 boys, was picking on his youngest brother one day and called him a "Homo Sapien." His brother immediately started crying to his mother, "Mom, Pete called me a homo sapien!
A former colleague of mine and I were out to lunch one day. When placing his order, the waitress asked him, "Would you like a soup or salad with your meal?" Well, he heard "Would you like a super salad with your meal?" and replied "Yes, that sounds great!
Article said:
A preliminary investigation doesn't show any signs of foul play.
I guess it depends upon what you consider "foul play". Rather than joining the "Mile-High Club", this couple must have been working up to it gently by starting with the "50-Foot Club"...What were they thinking?

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
So no one else has ever done the dirty deed on their roof?
Living in Western New York I frequently found reasons to visit Canada and usually used the Peace Bridge between Buffalo & Fort Erie.

I was taking a few friends to Crystal Beach (God, I'm old) and we had an 8-track playing (now, I'm REALLY old) when my girl friend ejected the tape as we were crossing the bridge and turned on the radio. I asked her why she did that and she said "I want to hear the radio station change from American to Canadian".


Used to be a nightclub DJ back in the 80's and one of our thug bouncers approached the sound booth one night to make some small talk and observe the crowd. He bent over, looked under the turntables, and said "Where are the microphones"?
mjldba...I lived in Western NY for about 8 years. I, too, frequently found reasons to visit Canada and usually used the Peace Bridge. I rarely ever made it past Fort Erie though. [wink]
I received a sales call yesterday which made me wonder if the unintelligence lies with management for requiring their salespeople to ask these questions, the salespeople for not using their heads, or a combination of both! Here's how it went:

Salesperson: "Hi, I am calling from **local satellite dish company**, I noticed you cancelled your service a few months ago and I have some special offers for you, if you would like to come back."

(Side note: I had no desire to return to the company and wanted to get off the phone ASAP, hence my reply)
Me: "Sounds great, but the reason I left was becuase I got rid of my TV. So, having no TV, I have no need for any type of television service."

Salesperson: Long pause... "So, can I offer anything to get you to sign back up for our service?"

Me: "Well, if you would like to buy me a TV..."

That's where the salesperson realized their mistake and hung up. I was really hoping I was going to get a free TV out of the deal too!

America Enjoys Rich History of Election Hijinks

FoxNews article said:
. . .[T]here were the linguistic dirty tricks of the 1950 U.S. Senate race in Florida. George Smathers criticized his opponent, Claude Pepper, because Pepper’s sister, according to Smathers, was a “thespian.” Not only that, Smathers said, Pepper’s brother was “a practicing Homo sapiens.” Further, Smathers charged that Pepper himself had gone to college and openly “matriculated.”

Smathers won the election.

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.

I had an experience at an electronics store that made me question whether or not they screened their new hires for common sense. I had been looking for multi-input switchers for component HD cables for my new HDTV. I had found them at two other electronics retailers, but wanted to see if this particular store carried them as well.

After explaining what I was looking for, one of the two store clerks told me, "They don't make those". After calmly explaining to him that I had found them at two other stores for less than $100, he quickly changed his tune and told me that they didn't carry any in the store.

As if that wasn't bad enough...He then asked me how many component inputs I had on my HDTV. I told them there were 2 and I needed to hook up 3 components. So he tried to sell me on a HDTV that they carried that had 3 inputs...he said it was on sale for only $1200.

Before I walked out of the store, never to return again, I felt it was necessary to explain how stupid it was for him to think that I would spend $1200 for another new HDTV when I could spend less than $100 to get an input switcher. Gee...I wonder if he worked on commission???
Our wedding rehearsal dinner was at the Hacienda. I think we had the same waitress.

I worked at an amusement park when I was younger. One Flag Day (June 14th here in the US) flags were raised all over the park and one of my (even younger) coworkers asked why there were so many flags flying. I told him that it was to help celebrate Independence Day in Afghanistan. Later that day I heard several of his other coworkers discussing the Afghan Independence Day celebration! [rofl]

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." - Winston Churchill
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