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May 9, 2005
hi im grabbing data from a address and i want to make the address value appear in ASCII instead of #'s how would i go about this?
What do you mean?
Like a URL address? or what? ...example?

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no i mean like

xxxxxx=value in Numbers eg:1,2,3,4,5etc
i want the value to appear in ASCII eg: a,b,c,a,e
the real value is in ASCII but shows up in #s
From the VB 6 help files:

The ChrW function returns a String containing the Unicode character except on platforms where Unicode is not supported, in which case, the behavior is identical to the Chr function.

Like this:
Dim hHex As String
Dim dDec As Long

hHex = "0000C4E0"
    dDec = CLng("&H" & hHex)

MsgBox dDec

Or are you trying to turn a 65 into an A, 66 into B, 67 into C etc ???

Except it is in hex so 41 is A, 42 is B and so on?
Please read faq222-2244 to get the best from the forum. Then if you haven't solved this yet then please post the actual input data and the expected output data, and then we can solve the problem instead of guessing in the dark

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
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>xxxxxx=value in Numbers eg:1,2,3,4,5etc

We still don't get what you exactly mean... but it feels like you are talking about memory addresses.

To get the text string from a memory address, you can simply use the SysAllocString function. Which returns the text string from a memory location.
Private Declare Function SysAllocString Lib "oleaut32" (pOlechar As Any) As String
Dim S As String, L As Long
L = &H6FB7B0 'make sure this is a valid address!
S = SysAllocString(ByVal L)
MsgBox S[/tt]

May be this is what you mean.
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