- May 3, 2007
- 78
I have a Unicode problem. We have a few dataproviders from countries using different characters, eg turkish. When importing access convert these data without the unicode table. So my text got sometimes strange computercharacters.
Should I use another import method to solve this ?
I searched something on the internet. If you have a good reference related this subject
Should I use another import method to solve this ?
SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Step 1: Integrating " & directories.Item(i) & " PE"
bestname = basicdir & directories.Item(i) & "\" & filenaam
Open bestname For Input As #6
While Not EOF(6)
Line Input #6, lijn
lijn = lijn & vbTab & filename & vbTab & timestp
Print #3, lijn
telPE = telPE + 1
Close #6
I searched something on the internet. If you have a good reference related this subject