Hi There,
I got something weird going on with below code snippet:
What this is doing: itr waits untril serial::waitFor is returning 2 then it prints FAIL and should send ^C & ^X out 5 times before it's sending reset and displaying the error code.
This is what's happening. It seems to work properly as long as i comment out the for loop but when it's inserted (like in above snippet) it doesn't work. I see the FAIL message displayed and then nothing. it just sits there and waits, until in the very end of my proc when this for loop gets executed. Do I manually need to call a function to get the app following up on the queue or how could this be a problem? Anyone?
Thank you!
I got something weird going on with below code snippet:
if {[serial::waitFor "Pass: $BIS_Test::total_iterations" 90] == 2} {;#Failed in BIST testing
$GUI::twidget insert end "**************FAIL********************" error
for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } {
Execute_Command $comId "^X"
$GUI::twidget insert end "^X" error
finaltest::delay 100
Execute_Command $comId "^C"
$GUI::twidget insert end "^C" error
finaltest::delay 100
Execute_Command $comId "reset"
$GUI::twidget insert end "reset" error
serial::closePort $comId
GUI::Info_DialogWIN "1.Figure out cause of Failure.\n2.Start up Tera, reset switch.\n2.Press START to run BIST again. "
.main6.runBIST configure -state normal
return 1
This is what's happening. It seems to work properly as long as i comment out the for loop but when it's inserted (like in above snippet) it doesn't work. I see the FAIL message displayed and then nothing. it just sits there and waits, until in the very end of my proc when this for loop gets executed. Do I manually need to call a function to get the app following up on the queue or how could this be a problem? Anyone?
Thank you!