While trying to install flex-2.5.35 (need this for wireshark install) I keep getting
the following error.
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 195: Unexpected end of line seen
Current working directory /var/spool/pkg/flex-2.5.35/tests/test-table-opts
Here is the the lkine that is suppose to be causing the trouble
allopts := -Ca -Ce -Cf -CF -Cm -Cem -Cae -Caef -CaeF -Cam -Caem
# the test names themselves
This line is from the Makefile file. I have really no clue as were to look for the error.
Running Solaris 9
the following error.
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 195: Unexpected end of line seen
Current working directory /var/spool/pkg/flex-2.5.35/tests/test-table-opts
Here is the the lkine that is suppose to be causing the trouble
allopts := -Ca -Ce -Cf -CF -Cm -Cem -Cae -Caef -CaeF -Cam -Caem
# the test names themselves
This line is from the Makefile file. I have really no clue as were to look for the error.
Running Solaris 9