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Unemployement comp for ??? weeks

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Jul 15, 2004
Guys, anyone knows for how long they pay unemployement these days?
I called but they wouldn't tell except "26 weeks" there is no extention at this time...but I've heard there is extention...
Yup, the length varies by state. As well as how soon you can start unemployment.

In NC, you can't start until you've exhausted any vacation time the company paid you for.

Read more about NC unemployment at:

Chip H.

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If your local umemployment office told you there is no extension, then likely there isn't one. They process the applications, so they are the people who actaully know the answers to these sorts of questions.

Questions about posting. See faq183-874
I am suspicious as I think they don't want people yelling at them if extention will be cut...

What do I type and where to find out this? Thanks
Maybe if you Googled unemployment law in Pennsylvania.

Two strings walk into a bar. The first string says to the bartender: 'Bartender, I'll have a beer. u.5n$x5t?*&4ru!2[sACC~ErJ'. The second string says: 'Pardon my friend, he isn't NULL terminated'.

I am suspicious as I think they don't want people yelling at them if extention will be cut...

If you need the extension now, and they say there is no one, then there is no extension, and they are not allowed to bend the law whether they like it or not. They are the state employees, who can very easily loose their jobs, which is worse than to be yelled at, you know.

If you are just asking for the future, what is the current law/rule, may be not in use any longer when the time comes, and you will have to ask when you need it. But I don't think you are in the beginning of your 26 weeks and just plannig to stay there all of them and more doing nothing, right?

In any case, I would tend to believe the people who work there. If you think the clerical worker who talked to you are not the most competent person there, ask for a supervisor/manager.

You can always request from them a brochure with the rules, they should give/send one to you, as you are their client and have the right to know your rights.

And of course, you can check their official site. I would look for Department of Employment in Pennsylvania.

I remember drawing for over half a year out of PA when I worked there and lived in MD back in 2001 (the claim was against PA). It depends on how long you worked at your previous job(s). This was back in 2001, though.

The trouble with doing something right the first time is that noboby appreciates how difficult it was.
- Steven Wright
Stella, you wrote"But I don't think you are in the beginning of your 26 weeks and just plannig to stay there all of them and more doing nothing, right?"
I am actually at the end almost and actively looking but I would like to know what shape I am in IF nothing will come up in next 40 days.
I was hopign someone will found this post whos UC benefits just ended and they were given extention...

Thanks everyone for the input.
ZoomerZ - A quick google search on the terms "Pennsylvania Unemployment", yeilded the following two pages:
Pennsylvania Unemployment Links
Pennsylvania Unemployment Insurance Benefits
On the second page is the following:
FromLink said:
How long? As of July, 2003, The duration of PA unemployment benefits was 16-26 weeks, but benefits can be extended by Pennsylvania during times of high unemployment or other special circumstances.

Good Luck
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If you have only 40 days left, then it's right time for you to get information.

CajunCenturion provided some links for you, but I think you will need to find out the following:

* If the July, 2003 rules are still in effect;
* If they consider nowadays to be the times of high unemployment;
* If they would find your circumstances special;
* What do you need to get the extension.

I would speculate (based on some cases I heard in other states) that you might get an extension if you are enrolled in a training program they approve (and in some cases, would be paying for some of it). You should check every word I said here, because I don't live in Pennsylvania. But I think I might be onto something here.

I wonder, though, what in the world 16-26 weeks mean? If you managed find the job in 8 weeks, sure they wouldn't pay you for 16. Does it mean that for some categories maximum term is 16 weeks, not 26?

Good luck to you.
My guess (it works that way here) is that the maximum term depends on the prior length of employment (the longer you had jobs before filing the longer you'll get benefits now).
Of course the money stops when you get a job again.
In my case last year (not in the US) I got benefits fulltime for 2 months (until I got a parttime job) and then parttime benefits (for the days I didn't work but did work before loosing my job) until I got a fulltime job half a year later.

In my case because of my work history I was eligible for up to 2 years of benefits, I used only 8 months of that (and for 6 of those only for 20%).
Now my current job will count towards increasing the period again to 2 years when and if I loose it (and if they government doesn't limit the period further as they're planning).
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