Recently I grew a ufs volume on an encapsulated rootdisk.
The volume was mirrored. I didn't grow the FILESYSTEM.
Later I read in the VXVM admin guide that you should never grow or shrink any volume associated with an encapsulated root disk..
Since I didn't grow the filesystem I am wondering if it is possible to shrink the volume(same amount as the grow WITHOUT destroying the existing data. The file system is a little smaller in size than when I grew the volume.
Thanks for any help on this matter.
The volume was mirrored. I didn't grow the FILESYSTEM.
Later I read in the VXVM admin guide that you should never grow or shrink any volume associated with an encapsulated root disk..
Since I didn't grow the filesystem I am wondering if it is possible to shrink the volume(same amount as the grow WITHOUT destroying the existing data. The file system is a little smaller in size than when I grew the volume.
Thanks for any help on this matter.