Using access 2000 and outlook 2003 I'm using the below code to send emails from an outlook group mailbox(all good)
The problem with this is the sent email is still in my email box and any undelivereds return to me also. Does anyone have any idea how I can get emails to send from the group box, have the sent mail saved in the group mailbox and all undelivered mail notifications also saved in the group mailbox. (The reason behind this is I'm automatically sending emails on behalf of the whole sales team but we want them to monitor sucessful/failed sending as well as any undelivereds.)
Thanks for any help
---Code Start (Assembled from various help sources)---
Sub SendMail(Recip, ccRecip, ReplyTo, Sender)
Dim subject, bodytext As String
Dim objOutlook, olMailItem, objEMail As Variant
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set objEMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objEMail
.To = Recip
.SentOnBehalfOfName = Sender
.cc = ccRecip
.subject = subject
.body = bodytext
End With
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objEMail = Nothing
End Sub
Using access 2000 and outlook 2003 I'm using the below code to send emails from an outlook group mailbox(all good)
The problem with this is the sent email is still in my email box and any undelivereds return to me also. Does anyone have any idea how I can get emails to send from the group box, have the sent mail saved in the group mailbox and all undelivered mail notifications also saved in the group mailbox. (The reason behind this is I'm automatically sending emails on behalf of the whole sales team but we want them to monitor sucessful/failed sending as well as any undelivereds.)
Thanks for any help
---Code Start (Assembled from various help sources)---
Sub SendMail(Recip, ccRecip, ReplyTo, Sender)
Dim subject, bodytext As String
Dim objOutlook, olMailItem, objEMail As Variant
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set objEMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objEMail
.To = Recip
.SentOnBehalfOfName = Sender
.cc = ccRecip
.subject = subject
.body = bodytext
End With
Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objEMail = Nothing
End Sub