I have a question concering undeliverable mails in Outlook 2000.
At my office we use an Exchange server and all clients use Microsoft Office 2000. Everyone has his personal mailbox, but we also have general one, the company mailbox. The problem with the company mailbox is that for 90% of the incoming mails we also receive an undeliverable mail. It seems like most mails sent to the company mailbox are also send to a mailbox in our office that no longer exists.
Here's what the undeliverable mails say.
From: System Administrator
Sent: [i]Date[/i]
To: [i]Non-existant recipient name[/i]
Subject: Undeliverable: [i]Subject[/i]
Your message could nog be received by one or more recipients
Subject: [i]Subject[/i]
Sent: [i]Date[/i]
The following recipient(s) were not reached:
[i]Non-existent name[/i] on [Date]
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: [i]ID message[/i]
Anyone got an idea what could be causing this ?