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Unbound form with subforms clarification

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Technical User
Jul 16, 2008
I've been searching the boards for the best way to build my form and I came across a couple of suggestions from MajP about using an unbound combobox as a main form and then linking a couple more subforms linked to that. They were only snippits and such so I'm hoping for a little more explaination or maybe even some help to wrap my brain around what I'm trying to accomplish with my datbase.
I'm trying to build a database that will allow for the inputting of each evaluation a person gets at the end of a class. I have the structure of the database that basically uses 5 tables:


SeminarID (linked to SeminarsID in Join table)
SeminarnameID (b/c you could have the same seminar name every year)
etc details

SeminarTitleID (linked to SeminarNameID)

QuestionID (linked to QuestionsID)
Question Type

JoinID (links to ID in the join table)
etc details...

I know my names are little rookie (I'm pretty self taught, so go easy on me)but the relationships I have seem to work great as I can see 3 deep from any table aside from the titles table of course.

So what I'm trying to do, and hopefully I've laid somewhat of a good background, is build a few forms that allow for a user to go in select (or create) the seminar, see all of the questions (or select and/or add) and then come back and put in the responses. Now I realize this might take a few forms but how the heck do I get the questions to show up indivdually on the form rather than scrolling one question at a time under the seminar? I'm hitting my head against the wall on that one. I thought if I could do the unbound form with a combobox for the seminar name, link that to a questions form showing every question to that seminar, then under that question the final subform of responses.

I know its something simple and I just can't quite get it. I'm comfortable with VBA but can't even think of how to use it to what I'm a working with.

Any help is appreciated and please go easy on me :). You all have my awe! This forum has been a big help!
Thanks for reading.
I appreciate you pointing tht out, however, this is for work and since I work for the County they won't spring for that...WHICH is why me, a lowly paid employee gets to boggle my brain on it. I have tried suggesting them to use something such as a survey monkey program, but they want the people to fill out these forms before they even leave the class.

they wanted me to build an excel pivot table for all 50 classes they had evals last year, I'm beginning to wonder if it would have been faster :) jk.
I would recommend looking at Duane's survey database. IMO building a survey database that is properly structured is very advanced and challenges one's understanding of properly normalized data. A survey database can have multiple many-to-many relationships, which is pretty advanced. Unfortunately survey databases tend to be a common thing that novice users try to tackle. Not trying to scare you, just want to make sure you do your homework. Looks like your on the way. People tend to worry about the forms and user interface and neglect getting the proper structure. Looking at Duane's database will give you an idea of how to do this.

Couple of suggestions.
1) Seperate adding, input, and navigation.
Having a single form with subforms that allows all of this is too confusing. If you want to add a record, pop open a "Add Question form" that returns you to your main form. Do not do it in the same form you respond to questions. Same thing for navigating. If you want to go to another seminar, pop open a form that allows you to choose another seminar.

2) I am not sure what I posted previous, but I assume it shows that you can link subforms to controls. So If I have an unbound combo with "seminars" and a continous subform with questions, I can link the subform to the combo by seminar id. Change the combo and the questions change. This trick works with multiple continous subforms. Not to suggest that this is a clean design (only to show a technique). You could have a continous subform with seminars, a continous subform with questions, and a single record subform for responses. You can click on a seminar the question subform would show all questions for that seminar. Then click on any question and see the response to that question. This trick is done by putting a link text box/es on the main form. Then link your subform to the text box (normally hidden). Example: In the seminar continous subform the oncurrent event would have
me.parent.txtBxLink = me.SeminarID

When a record in the seminar subform changes, the value in text box link changes, and the question subform changes to the appropriate questions. No additional code needed.

Not sure if that answers your question.
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