Seeking your wonderful advice again after searching through the Forums and Access Help....
I have an unbound form with 2 subforms embedded on it. The first embedded form [frmEquipAvail] shows some rental equipment that is "available". I then have a command button for the user to click on to open up a form for them to place a particular record from the "available" form onto another form [frmEquipHold]. The user was to fill in the form by typing in the id number of the particular equipment record, indicate for whom the equipment is being held (selected from a combobox), and the date it's being placed on hold (defaults to today's date).
The first user who tried this higlighted the record that she wanted to hold in frmEquipAvail, then clicked the command button to open up frmEquipHold. She selected her customer from the combo box, and closed the Hold Form. She thought that by using the record selector in frmEquipAvail, the id number would automatically be entered into the frmEquipHold.
Well that didn't happen, although it would be great if it did! I am VERY vba challenged, so I'm asking if someone can walk me through getting this accomplished.
When the user uses the record selectors to pick out a piece of equipment from the frmEquipAvail, and then clicks on the frmEquipHold command button, that equipment record id should default to/automatically become the equipment id of the frmEquipHold. I think I need an event procedure triggered by the user double-clicking on the record selector. I think it will then insert the equipment id from the record selected into the frmEquipHold once the command button is clicked. Can anyone help me translate that into the appropriate code? With great respect for you time and knoweldge, thanks.
I have an unbound form with 2 subforms embedded on it. The first embedded form [frmEquipAvail] shows some rental equipment that is "available". I then have a command button for the user to click on to open up a form for them to place a particular record from the "available" form onto another form [frmEquipHold]. The user was to fill in the form by typing in the id number of the particular equipment record, indicate for whom the equipment is being held (selected from a combobox), and the date it's being placed on hold (defaults to today's date).
The first user who tried this higlighted the record that she wanted to hold in frmEquipAvail, then clicked the command button to open up frmEquipHold. She selected her customer from the combo box, and closed the Hold Form. She thought that by using the record selector in frmEquipAvail, the id number would automatically be entered into the frmEquipHold.
Well that didn't happen, although it would be great if it did! I am VERY vba challenged, so I'm asking if someone can walk me through getting this accomplished.
When the user uses the record selectors to pick out a piece of equipment from the frmEquipAvail, and then clicks on the frmEquipHold command button, that equipment record id should default to/automatically become the equipment id of the frmEquipHold. I think I need an event procedure triggered by the user double-clicking on the record selector. I think it will then insert the equipment id from the record selected into the frmEquipHold once the command button is clicked. Can anyone help me translate that into the appropriate code? With great respect for you time and knoweldge, thanks.