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Unattended Installations

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Jun 5, 2000
As I don't know the best forum for this post, I will post in a couple, hope this does not bug too many people.

I understand there are many ways to do unattended installations of software programs. We use Microsoft SMS, and need ways of installing and completely uninstalling various programs. All of these programs are compliant with W9x, NT, and 2000. The current methods of deployment use techniques similar to "snapshots" where it takes a picture of the disk structure (files/folders and what-not) runs the install program, then takes another picture of the disk. From these two pictures, it developes an EXE with the required file transfers, registry entries, etc.

This works all fine and dandy if all your machines are the same make, model, CPU, Memory, Hard Drive Space, blah, blah, blah...... But in the real world, organizations have to support many different kinds of computers, OS's, Hardware, employee programs, and so on.

As I am fairly new to doing this, my question is: "Is there a software utility out there that can take the original install files from any (OK, most) applications and make them into unattended installs?" And the flip side of that is, "Can it also do an unattended un-install of the software?"

I see a lot of software out there: (InstallShield, WinBatch, etc...) Does anyone know if these programs do what I need? Being stressed for time (who isn't), I am not looking for a 500-page book I need to read to be able to figure it out, and I am not a programming dude, so coding anything is out.

I would appreciate any suggestions / personal examples you may offer. Thank you.
>:):O> anongod@hotmail.com

"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
I'm pretty new to SMS so I don't know if this will help you or not. I use SMS installer to do exactly what you said. We also have different computers and users specs for the cpu's where I work. When you use SMS installer you have to make sure you machine is clean of any programs that you plan on installing. You pretty much want a machine with a fresh install of Windows (No programs like word, or MS works ect).

Other wise you might want to look into using sysdiff utility. It's similar to sms installer. I don't know if this helps you or not. But not being in your situation it's hard to see what's going on.

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