When the computer gets shutdown by accident, for instance, someone pulled the power cord from the outlet, I get error at startup or reboot. It also happens when I turned off the computer. Is it okay for this to happen often ?
If the computer gets powered down or otherwise goes down abnormally, it will automatically run Scandisk the next time it comes up. Is this what you are seeing as an error? This is normal behavior. To eliminate it, make sure the PC is shut down normally...
- Bill
"You can get anything you want out of life, if you'll just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar
Hi hoctro. No it's not alright. If you're new to multitasking systems you'll find that system performance deteriorates if you keep doing this. These systems have many processes running though you can't see them, even by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del. In any multitasking system these should be stopped and all memory flushed to disk to prevent lost chains and crosslinked files. When I ran Winows 4.x I used to run scandisk and defrag once a week. It helps keep the system sharp.
swayda is right! Your system will become slower over time if the system continues to become fragmented.
If you wanna better idea of how many times these "abnormal" shut downs have occured, go to the root of your C:\ and look for all files ending with ".CHK"
Usually looks like FILE0001.CHK FILE0002.CHK, etc. . .
Every one of those are abnormal shut downs. Good Luck hoctro ~
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