We are about to go live with a couple of servers, and today noticed that I am unable to run computer mgmt by right clicking on My Computer, I cannot start programs directly using Start->Programs (but can at the command line)I get a Windows Explorer error "unable to run program", but can run them from the command line. I cannot even right click on start and select Open.
Checked permissions, check to make sure that there was no corruption with the profile (does it with other administrative accounts). Haven't checked for viruses yet.
The guy who was working on it said it clears itself after a reboot and then comes back.
Any idea guys? Thanks.
Checked permissions, check to make sure that there was no corruption with the profile (does it with other administrative accounts). Haven't checked for viruses yet.
The guy who was working on it said it clears itself after a reboot and then comes back.
Any idea guys? Thanks.