ORA-27029: skgfrtrv: sbtrestore returned error
ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
The NW authentication for client 'sun2' was refused by server
'sun3' because 'User oracle on computer ag03uw01 is not on sun2'sremote access list'. (2:12:0)
sun2=media server
sun3-master server
ag03uw01-new client
The data is owned by 'sun2', the master server for the media is on 'sun3' the destination for the restore is ag03uw01.
Please help
ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:
The NW authentication for client 'sun2' was refused by server
'sun3' because 'User oracle on computer ag03uw01 is not on sun2'sremote access list'. (2:12:0)
sun2=media server
sun3-master server
ag03uw01-new client
The data is owned by 'sun2', the master server for the media is on 'sun3' the destination for the restore is ag03uw01.
Please help