I have done a workstation setup on one of our terminal servers(im not sure its allowed) to improve response time for our remote users, Now i can't seem to be able to print anything from ACCPAC and Service Manager on the terminal server, in both cases i get a crystal report error.
in ACCPAC: Description: ERROR: LoadLibrary
In service Man:error in file \\lecserver\VM53A\ENG\VMPICK01.RPT
error in formula: <VMDH: DTENTERED>
'ToText(pwFormatDate({VMDH: DTENTERED}))'
The ) is missing
in ACCPAC: Description: ERROR: LoadLibrary
In service Man:error in file \\lecserver\VM53A\ENG\VMPICK01.RPT
error in formula: <VMDH: DTENTERED>
'ToText(pwFormatDate({VMDH: DTENTERED}))'
The ) is missing