I am using VB6, Access2000 and Crystal Reports
I am receiving this message "Run Time Error '20533'
Unable To Open Database" on a new machine and not the development machine when I try to run a report from VB6. It comes up for secured and unsecured databases. The strange thing is that there are many other reports that do work on the new machine (two out of the sixty reports do not work) with identical coding. All reports work on the development machine. I have written down the code that works and the one that does not work on the new machine (there is no difference apart from the reports themselves). Please assume that all of the declarations have been made for the code below. If anyone can let me know what the problem may be I would greatly appreciate it.
Code used where error message is received
With CrystalReport1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\report.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\db.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = S
.WindowTitle = "FLOAT"
Debug.Print S
.Action = 1 'Preview function
End With
Code used where error message is not received
With CrystalReport1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\report1.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\db.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = S
.WindowTitle = "ENQUIRIES"
Debug.Print S
.Action = 1 'Preview function
End With
Thank You
I am using VB6, Access2000 and Crystal Reports
I am receiving this message "Run Time Error '20533'
Unable To Open Database" on a new machine and not the development machine when I try to run a report from VB6. It comes up for secured and unsecured databases. The strange thing is that there are many other reports that do work on the new machine (two out of the sixty reports do not work) with identical coding. All reports work on the development machine. I have written down the code that works and the one that does not work on the new machine (there is no difference apart from the reports themselves). Please assume that all of the declarations have been made for the code below. If anyone can let me know what the problem may be I would greatly appreciate it.
Code used where error message is received
With CrystalReport1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\report.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\db.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = S
.WindowTitle = "FLOAT"
Debug.Print S
.Action = 1 'Preview function
End With
Code used where error message is not received
With CrystalReport1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\report1.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = App.Path & "\db.mdb"
.SelectionFormula = S
.WindowTitle = "ENQUIRIES"
Debug.Print S
.Action = 1 'Preview function
End With
Thank You