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Unable to Increase Size of /tmp 2

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Nov 29, 2001
This is the weirdest thing. I am trying to upgrade my HTTP server and the installer needs 600MB on /tmp - I only have 375MB free. But when I try to add more space, the smit task fails.

I have 2 disks (hdisk0, hdisk1) and there is 4GB available on hdisk0 (hdisk1 is completely used). Is there something that would prevent /tmp from using physical space on hdisk0? [red]What should I look for? What can I change so that /tmp can be increased?[/red]

Any suggestions?

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
Here is a little more detail of my system:
[b][blue]> lsvg rootvg[/blue][/b]
VOLUME GROUP:       rootvg                   VG IDENTIFIER:  000d331d87a54d00
VG STATE:           active                   PP SIZE:        16 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION:      read/write               TOTAL PPs:      1084 (17344 megabytes)
MAX LVs:            256                      FREE PPs:       251 (4016 megabytes)
LVs:                11                       USED PPs:       833 (13328 megabytes)
OPEN LVs:           10                       QUORUM:         1
TOTAL PVs:          2                        VG DESCRIPTORS: 3
STALE PVs:          0                        STALE PPs:      0
ACTIVE PVs:         2                        AUTO ON:        yes
MAX PPs per VG:     32512                                     
MAX PPs per PV:     1016                     MAX PVs:        32
LTG size:           128 kilobyte(s)          AUTO SYNC:      no
HOT SPARE:          no                       BB POLICY:      relocatable 

[b][blue]> lsfs /tmp[/blue][/b]
Name            Nodename   Mount Pt               VFS   Size    Options    Auto Accounting
/dev/hd3        --         /tmp                   jfs   819200  --         yes  no 

[b][blue]> chfs -a size=+8192 /tmp[/blue][/b]
0516-404 allocp: This system cannot fulfill the allocation request.
	There are not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes 
	to keep strictness and satisfy allocation requests.  The command
	should be retried with different allocation characteristics.

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
It appears that you only have 4G free on your rootvg where /tmp lives. The chfs command is trying to allocate about 4G so its right you dont have the space.

If you only need 600M free I would use
chfs -a size=+600M /tmp

This will add 600M to your /tmp directory.

I overstated my size increase - I have since tried much smaller values, specifically:

[blue]> chfs -a size=$4M /tmp[/blue]

And I still get the same error about "There is not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes..." However, as you noticed, I do have 4GB free.

All this head scratching is irritating my dandruff.

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
try lspv -l hdisk0 and lspv -l hdisk1 ..see where /tmp resides. I suspect it might be on hdisk1 which you say is full

Very interesting - /tmp is on both disks:
LV NAME               LPs   PPs   DISTRIBUTION          MOUNT POINT
hd6                   32    32    00..32..00..00..00    N/A
hd5                   1     1     01..00..00..00..00    N/A
hd1                   1     1     00..01..00..00..00    /home
[blue][b]hd3                   25    25    00..07..00..18..00    /tmp[/b][/blue]
hd9var                3     3     00..02..00..01..00    /var
hd2                   202   202   00..27..103..72..00   /usr
hd4                   4     4     00..00..04..00..00    /
hd8                   1     1     00..00..01..00..00    N/A
lv00                  22    22    00..22..00..00..00    /usr/HTTPServer
LV NAME               LPs   PPs   DISTRIBUTION          MOUNT POINT
hd6                   32    32    00..32..00..00..00    N/A
hd5                   1     1     01..00..00..00..00    N/A
hd1                   1     1     00..01..00..00..00    /home
[blue][b]hd3                   25    25    00..07..00..18..00    /tmp[/b][/blue]
hd9var                3     3     00..02..00..00..01    /var
hd2                   202   202   00..64..103..25..10   /usr
hd4                   4     4     00..00..04..00..00    /
hd8                   1     1     00..00..01..00..00    N/A
lv00                  234   234   108..00..00..33..93   /usr/HTTPServer
hd10opt               7     7     00..02..00..00..05    /opt
paging00              32    32    00..00..00..32..00    N/A
So, why would that prevent me from increasing the size of /tmp? I am getting so confused.

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
I found this page from 2005 but it refers to a /tmp being at 100% and unable to increase in size.

The one command it does mention is [blue]extendlv[/blue]. From my prior postings - do I really want to try increasing [blue]hd3[/blue]?

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
migratelp lv00/1 hdisk0

I think you need 2 repeat this at least 15 times (if my math is ok by this time) and then =>

chfs -a size=600M /tmp


Just one IMPORTANT CORRECTION, you have to do your 15 times of the above command according to your LPs distribution on hdisk1!!!!

use this command to identify your LP distribution on hdisk1:

lslv -m lv00

and then use migratelp accordingly1

[off topic, but important nonetheless]
You have a partially mirrored rootvg on this system. hd10opt and lv00 are not mirrored - you'll lose those filesystems if one or the other rootvg disk fails. But more importantly both paging spaces hd6 and paging00 are not mirrored. That doesn't make sense. If any rootvg disk fails, your system will die too.
[/off topic]


[blue]p5wizard -[/blue] I can see your concern, and that is one of the reason we are going to mothball this B50 in favor of putting this on a partition on the p570. However, the HTTP Server upgrade can't wait and I need the space on the /tmp now.

I should mention that moving this B50 to the p570 has been a task on the to-do list for over a year now. So maybe I should look at mirroring the lv00, hd10opt, and paging spaces.

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“

Did you tried what khalid suggested >>? what's out come were you able to Increase /tmp finally ?
After doing migratelp 16 times - I only freed up 256 MB of space on hdisk0. However that did give me the space I needed to increase /tmp to 600MB.

Specifically I had to issue the following commands:
> migratelp lv00/1 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/2 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/3 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/4 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/5 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/6 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/7 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/8 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/9 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/10 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/11 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/12 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/13 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/14 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/15 hdisk0
> migratelp lv00/16 hdisk0
and this only worked because when I did [blue]> lslv -m lv00[/blue] the LPs 1-16 were all pointing to PV hdisk1.

I don't know that I have space to mirror all of lv00 - it is quite a large LV.

I thank everyone here for their help - TekTips is the best!

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
OK, you can partially disregard what I said earlier. hd6 IS mirrored, but paging00 isn't - so if you lose the disk that paging00 is on, your system will still crash.

Show this output please:

lsvg rootvg
lsvg -p rootvg
lsvg -l rootvg

and we'll be able to see if you can still fully mirror all LVs that need to be mirrored...


I really appreciate this continued help. I am not a trained AIX admin - just the defacto admin after our AIX admin left for a better position. I just take care of WebSphere and the HTTP server and was unable to do the upgrade of the latest fixpack.

Ok - here is what you asked:
[b][blue]> lsvg rootvg[/blue][/b]
VOLUME GROUP:       rootvg             VG IDENTIFIER:  000d331d87a54d00
VG STATE:           active             PP SIZE:        16 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION:      read/write         TOTAL PPs:      1084 (17344 megabytes)
MAX LVs:            256                FREE PPs:       221 (3536 megabytes)
LVs:                11                 USED PPs:       863 (13808 megabytes)
OPEN LVs:           10                 QUORUM:         1
TOTAL PVs:          2                  VG DESCRIPTORS: 3
STALE PVs:          0                  STALE PPs:      0
ACTIVE PVs:         2                  AUTO ON:        yes
MAX PPs per VG:     32512
MAX PPs per PV:     1016              MAX PVs:        32
LTG size:           128 kilobyte(s)   AUTO SYNC:      no
HOT SPARE:          no                BB POLICY:      relocatable 

[b][blue]> lsvg -p rootvg[/blue][/b]
hdisk0            active         542         220         108..00..00..03..109
hdisk1            active         542         1           01..00..00..00..00

[b][blue]> lsvg -l rootvg[/blue][/b]
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
hd5                 boot       1     2     2    closed/syncd  N/A
hd6                 paging     32    64    2    open/syncd    N/A
hd8                 jfslog     1     2     2    open/syncd    N/A
hd4                 jfs        4     8     2    open/syncd    /
hd2                 jfs        202   404   2    open/syncd    /usr
hd9var              jfs        3     6     2    open/syncd    /var
hd3                 jfs        40    80    2    open/syncd    /tmp
hd1                 jfs        1     2     2    open/syncd    /home
hd10opt             jfs        7     7     1    open/syncd    /opt
lv00                jfs        256   256   2    open/syncd    /usr/HTTPServer
paging00            paging     32    32    1    open/syncd    N/A
Do you see anything amiss, or out of the ordinary?

Einstein47 (Starbase47.com)
“PI is like love - simple, natural, irrational, endless, and very important“
Well, no. Other than the missing mirror for paging00 (swap), hd10opt (/opt) and lv00 (/usr/HTTPServer). But there isn't enough free space to mirror everything. Just make sure that migration to the 570 LPAR isn't postponed for too long.

You can still mirror paging00 and hd10opt, but that would probably mean moving some more LPARs from lv00 to hdisk0.


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