Hi there,
A user of ours had majot problems with her machine, so I ended up taking a full backup of her mailbox to a pst file, and giving her a new machine.
I installed Office XP on the new box, and placed the outlook.pst file in "c:\documents & settings\username\local settings\..... (etc etc) outlook\".
Now her emails have all appeared, which is great, and her Contacts appear to be there too (she can mail them by right-clicking and selecting "New message to recipient").
When she opens a new email and clicks on the "To" field, there is no address book there. There's nothing to slect from in the drop down box either.
Should I have saved her Contacts seperately, in a different format to PST?
Any advice would be much appreciated as this is affecting two people now, and the MS troubleshooters are as useless as usual ;o)
A user of ours had majot problems with her machine, so I ended up taking a full backup of her mailbox to a pst file, and giving her a new machine.
I installed Office XP on the new box, and placed the outlook.pst file in "c:\documents & settings\username\local settings\..... (etc etc) outlook\".
Now her emails have all appeared, which is great, and her Contacts appear to be there too (she can mail them by right-clicking and selecting "New message to recipient").
When she opens a new email and clicks on the "To" field, there is no address book there. There's nothing to slect from in the drop down box either.
Should I have saved her Contacts seperately, in a different format to PST?
Any advice would be much appreciated as this is affecting two people now, and the MS troubleshooters are as useless as usual ;o)