My PC no longer boots up. It gives this mesage " Ultra100 BIOS not installed, there is no drivers attached. I understand this is a usuall problem with ASUS A7PRO MotherBoards. Mine is 200 MHz FSB AGP Pro/4x, Jumper free/VC133, VIA Apollo KT133 Chipset
My primary hard-drive is Maxtor 60GB.
I wonder if any one knows how to resolve this problem. I tried another working drive and also different sockets and I gives the same message. I think that the hard drive is not damaged but I can't go pass this message "ULTRA100 BIOS is not installed.
My primary hard-drive is Maxtor 60GB.
I wonder if any one knows how to resolve this problem. I tried another working drive and also different sockets and I gives the same message. I think that the hard drive is not damaged but I can't go pass this message "ULTRA100 BIOS is not installed.