I have a question about Solaris 5.8 and the Ultra 25 workstation. We have a drafting environment where we are phasing out the Ultra 5 and SunBlade 150 workstations that are currently running Solaris 5.8. My question is the Ultra 25 and the Sun XVR-300 Graphics accelerator come with Solaris 5.9 or 5.10 can they run solaris 5.8 and will the Sun XVR-300 Graphics Accelerator card run with Solaris 5.8? I want to do this with out having a mixed solaris 5.9 and solaris 5.8 environment running our proprietery mapping software.
I have looked on Suns web site and could not find an answer for solaris 5.8? Does anyone know if this Ultra 25 workstation with XVR-300 graphics card can run on solaris 5.8?
I have looked on Suns web site and could not find an answer for solaris 5.8? Does anyone know if this Ultra 25 workstation with XVR-300 graphics card can run on solaris 5.8?