I recently acquired a Ultra 10 box running Solaris 2.5.1. I would like to set it up to surf the net and handle email with Netscape or IE. It is presently used as a workstation only.
First you chould think of upgrading the OS.
IE does not work on Solaris (Microsoft politics)
You can install netscape, but stay away from 6.0
I am running 4.77 and it works fine. You may try 6.1, it is supposed to be much faster than 6.0.
The set up to reach net depends on you r network. Do you have a proxy server or firewall ? are you networked ? Is the access through a modem ?
about Netscape i completley agree with "lfoata", stay away from 6.0, however 6.1A its realy much faster than 6.0 and have more features than the 4.78.
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