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Uk Bank Holiday XML Web Service?

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Apr 16, 2002
Does anyone know of anywhere that provides an xml file of uk bank holidays? I want to integrate bank holidays into a project and I'm trying to avoid having to keep a database/ file or anything manually up to date so I was hoping that an xml web service was available for this purpose - similarly to how xml news feeds work.

Anyone got any ideas?

I don't know of a web service that provides this information, but you should be able to calculate the dates for any given year rather than having to manually bash them in.

Here's a set of routines I wrote in Perl to sit behind one of my web sites, maybe you can pick some useful stuff from it:
@MONTHS = ('','January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',  
           'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November',

@DAYS = ('','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday');

[ 0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 ],
[ 0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 ]

[ 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ],
[ 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]

sub leap_year {
   my ($year) = @_;
   my $yy = int ($year/100);
   if ($year > 0) {
      return ((($year & 0x03) ==0) &&
             (( $yy * 100 != $year) ||
             (($yy & 0x03) == 0) ) ) ? 1 : 0;
   } else {
      return '';

sub check_date_leap {
   my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
   my $leap = leap_year($year);
   return (($year >= 1) &&
           ($month >= 1) && ($month <= 12) &&
           ($day >= 1) &&
           ($day <= $DAYSINMONTH[$leap][$month])) ? $leap : -1;

sub Year_to_Days {
   my ($year) = @_;
   my $days = 365 * $year;

   $days += ($year >>= 2);
   $year = int ($year / 25);
   $days -= $year;
   $days += ($year >>  2);
   return $days;

sub Date_to_Days {
   my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
   my $leap = check_date_leap( $day, $month, $year );

   if ($leap >= 0) {
      return (Year_to_Days(--$year) +
             $DAYSINYEAR[$leap][$month] + $day );
   } else {
      return '';

sub day_of_week {
   my ($day, $month, $year) = @_;
   my $n_days = Date_to_Days($day, $month, $year);
   if ($n_days > 0) {
      $n_days %= 7;
      return $n_days;
   } else {
      return '';

sub split_date {
   local ($date) = $_[0];
   local ($day,$month,$year);

   if ($date) {
      $day = $date % 100;
      $month = (int ($date/100)) % 100;
      $year = int ($date/10000);
   } else {
      ($day,$month,$year) = ('','','');

   return ($day,$month,$year);

sub join_date {
   local ($day,$month,$year) = @_;
   local ($date);

   if ($day > $DAYSINMONTH[leap_year($year)][$month] ) {
      $date = -1;
   } else { 
      $date = ($year * 10000) + ($month * 100) + $day;
   return ($date);

sub easter_sunday
	my ($year) = @_;
	my ($month, $day);
    #                                                              #
    #  Gauss'sche Regel (Gaussian Rule)                            #
    #  ================================                            #
    #                                                              #
    #  Quelle / Source:                                            #
    #                                                              #
    #  H. H. Voigt, "Abriss der Astronomie", Wissenschaftsverlag,  #
    #  Bibliographisches Institut, Seite 9.                        #
    #                                                              #

    my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $m, $n);

    if (($year <= 0) || ($year < 1583) || ($year > 2299)) {
       die "Easter_Sunday: Year out of range";

    if    ($year < 1700) { $m = 22; $n = 2; }
    elsif ($year < 1800) { $m = 23; $n = 3; }
    elsif ($year < 1900) { $m = 23; $n = 4; }
    elsif ($year < 2100) { $m = 24; $n = 5; }
    elsif ($year < 2200) { $m = 24; $n = 6; }
    else                 { $m = 25; $n = 0; }

    $a = $year % 19;
    $b = $year % 4;
    $c = $year % 7;
    $d = (19 * $a + $m) % 30;
    $e = (2 * $b + 4 * $c + 6 * $d + $n) % 7;
    $day = 22 + $d + $e;
    $month = 3;
    if ($day > 31)
        $day -= 31; # same as $day = $d + $e - 9; 
    if (($day == 26) && ($month == 4))
		$day = 19;
    if (($day == 25) && ($month == 4) && 
        ($d == 28) && ($e == 6) && ($a > 10))
		$day = 18;
    return (&join_date($day, $month, $year));

# hash_holidays : Fills a hash with all holiday dates for the specified year
sub hash_holidays {
   local ($year) = $_[0];
   local (%holiday) = ();

   # New Year's Day
   local($testday) = &day_of_week (1,1,$year);

   if ($testday > 5) {
      $holiday{&join_date((9 - $testday),1,$year)} = 1;
   } else {
      $holiday{&join_date(1,1,$year)} = 1;

   # Calculate Easter to get Good Friday & Easter Monday
   local ($easter) = &easter_sunday($year);

   $holiday{&prev_date(&prev_date($easter))} = 1;   # Good Friday
   $holiday{&next_date($easter)} = 1;               # Easter Monday

   # Bank hols on first & last monday in May + last monday in August

   $testday = &day_of_week (1,5,$year);
   if ($testday == 1) {
      $holiday{&join_date(1,5,$year)} = 1;
   } else {
      $holiday{&join_date((9 - $testday),5,$year)} = 1;

   $testday = &day_of_week (31,8,$year);
   $holiday{&join_date((32 - $testday),8,$year)} = 1;

   # ... unless it's 2002 (god bless you ma'am)
   if ($year == 2002) {
      $holiday{&join_date(3,6,2002)} = 1;
      $holiday{&join_date(4,6,2002)} = 1;
   } else {
      $testday = &day_of_week (31,5,$year);
      $holiday{&join_date((32 - $testday),5,$year)} = 1;

   # Christmas Day & Boxing Day, unless they fall on a weekend
   $testday = &day_of_week (25,12,$year);
   if ($testday > 5) {
      $holiday{&join_date(27,12,$year)} = 1;
      $holiday{&join_date(28,12,$year)} = 1;
   } elsif ($testday == 5) {
      $holiday{&join_date(25,12,$year)} = 1;
      $holiday{&join_date(28,12,$year)} = 1;
   } else {
      $holiday{&join_date(25,12,$year)} = 1;
      $holiday{&join_date(26,12,$year)} = 1;

   return (%holiday);

As you see, I've hard-coded a check for the special bank holiday we got in 2002 for the Golden Jubilee. You'd have to make similar manual adjustments for future one-off holidays.

-- Chris Hunt
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