Karl Blessing
I hate netscape alot, unfortunatly the customer I am writing the web application for , most of the higher guys appear to love it (god knows why) , in any case, there are two main issues that makes it very hard for me to get it to be nice. (note I had it running lovely in IE , no probs at all until I had to make it NS compatible)
1) Offsets, its annoying, not even the *margin properties seem to work most of the time, it it throws off my setup, like the top frame will have a few pixels of white space and such (where as in IE I manage to get all the pages right to the last pixel) , and since this web application has to be designed in a such a way that it'll fit in 800x600 (tho some state employees have complained about it not working in 640x480, and have to tell them we are not supporting that low of a resolution for any of the products)
so if someone knows a very good way to get offsets to be the same in NS as they are IE that should help that.
2) the one that seems to kill the functionality more than the looks. Trying to make the middle frame allow to update the top frame
currently I have something like this
window.top.QRTop.location.href = "Wiz_QR_Title.asp?status=<%=Server.URLEncode("Select a Report Method"
which works fine in IE
though originaly I was doing
top.frames[0].location = which was working perfecly in IE,
so was self.parent (and self.parent.parent) and so forth, basically every combination I tried (even window.Framename) did not appear to work in NS
so if anyone can help with this, that would be great.
IE is 5.5, and the Targeted Netscape is 4.76, tho would like something that'll work on all 4.* versions of NS , we dont support NS6, so thats not an issue Karl Blessing
aka kb244{fastHACK}
1) Offsets, its annoying, not even the *margin properties seem to work most of the time, it it throws off my setup, like the top frame will have a few pixels of white space and such (where as in IE I manage to get all the pages right to the last pixel) , and since this web application has to be designed in a such a way that it'll fit in 800x600 (tho some state employees have complained about it not working in 640x480, and have to tell them we are not supporting that low of a resolution for any of the products)
so if someone knows a very good way to get offsets to be the same in NS as they are IE that should help that.
2) the one that seems to kill the functionality more than the looks. Trying to make the middle frame allow to update the top frame
currently I have something like this
window.top.QRTop.location.href = "Wiz_QR_Title.asp?status=<%=Server.URLEncode("Select a Report Method"
which works fine in IE
though originaly I was doing
top.frames[0].location = which was working perfecly in IE,
so was self.parent (and self.parent.parent) and so forth, basically every combination I tried (even window.Framename) did not appear to work in NS
so if anyone can help with this, that would be great.
IE is 5.5, and the Targeted Netscape is 4.76, tho would like something that'll work on all 4.* versions of NS , we dont support NS6, so thats not an issue Karl Blessing
aka kb244{fastHACK}