I need to install freeBSD on a headless machine. I downloaded the bootfloppies but when I mounted them and wanted to write to them it was apparently a read-only filesystem.
I mounted them in Linux and needed to specify a UFS file system type. I tried BSD, Solaris and x86 but nothing worked.
Yes I did check the obvious things Does anyone know how to mount the floppies read-write in Linux??
Another thing. I'm considering installing BSD on my laptop. The freeBSD site says the 5.0 is the first version to support PCMCIA but "you shouldn't install 5.0 unless you know what you're doing".
I was browsing this forum tho and found a post (which wasn't answered) where someone almost got his PCMCIA NIC to work.
So, do I need 5.0 for PCMCIA support??
Henrik Morsing
Certified AIX 4.3 Systems Administration
& p690 Technical Support