Technical User
This question is about UDP packets and figure out who is grabing information from your server. This has to do with SNMP. knowing that there are several types of SNMP programs that are used for admin functions and alerts, and sending traps to a monitoring locations, so unlike tcp\ip if you do a netstat -an you can see who is connected to your pc. with UDP its a one way shot if some one was pulling info from your server you would not know since its not a tcp connection , so knowing snmp is using port 161 and snmp traps are sent received on port 162. so my point is some devices and computers os's such as windows 2k or even nt if snmp is turned on you can monitor even reset certain devices within the server but its not always possible to lets say put a fire wall on an internal workstation just to see a udp packets flow. that is too much for an end user.., SO is there a good program to monitor your network that will tell you with out being on the device who is sending and receiving udp packets between computers and even what is in the packets. I am wondering what other people are using to monitor traffic and to trouble shoot on lans,