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typemismatch on banner exchange.

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Feb 22, 2002
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/vzio/banner/ad2.asp, line 91

<META NAME=&quot;ROBOTS&quot; CONTENT=&quot;NOINDEX&quot;>

<BODY BGCOLOR=&quot;&quot; topmargin=&quot;0&quot; leftmargin=&quot;0&quot; bottommargin=&quot;0&quot;>
		'# Declare variables
		Dim ConnString, strSQL
		Dim sMyID, sMyCat

		'# site banner is on
		Dim strOldID, strView, strBank, strSiteCat
		'# Selected banner
		Dim strBIMG, strBannerExp, strSiteBank, strSelectedID
		'# Settings
		Dim strBannerMinusShown, strSitePlusShown
		ConnString = &quot;dsn=vzio&quot;
		set my_conn= Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) 
		my_conn.Open ConnString 
		sMyID = &quot;100004&quot;
		'sMyCat = &quot;100&quot;
		strSQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM settings WHERE id=1&quot;
		set admin = my_conn.Execute(strSQL)
			strBannerMinusShown = admin(&quot;bannerminus_Shown&quot;) 
			strSitePlusShown = admin(&quot;siteplus_Shown&quot;) 
		set admin = nothing

		If Request.QueryString(&quot;BID&quot;) <> &quot;&quot; then sMyID = Request.QueryString(&quot;BID&quot;)
		set info = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;) 
		strSQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM ebanner WHERE bID=&quot; & sMyID
		set info = my_conn.Execute(strSQL) 
		'# get last banner shown
		strOldID = info(&quot;old_id&quot;)
		strView = info(&quot;onsite_view&quot;)
		'# so we can add +2 for showing a banner
		strBank = info(&quot;bank&quot;)
		'# get this sites category
		strSiteCat = info(&quot;sCat&quot;)
		set info = nothing

                                set selectabanner = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
                                strSQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM ebanner WHERE bank > 0 AND bCat=&quot; & strSiteCat & &quot; AND bID <> &quot; & sMyID & &quot; AND bID >= &quot; & strOldID & &quot; ORDER BY bID ASC LIMIT 1&quot;
                                set selectabanner = my_conn.Execute(strSQL) 

								strSelectedID = selectabanner(&quot;bID&quot;)
							'# banner image link
								strBIMG = selectabanner(&quot;banner_img&quot;)
							'# so we can add 1 to site exposure
								strBannerExp = selectabanner(&quot;user_exposure&quot;)
							'# so we can minus 2
								strSiteBank = selectabanner(&quot;bank&quot;)    
								strOLDid = selectabanner(&quot;old_id&quot;)
								set selectabaner = nothing								
       							'# Max ID
                                set maxid = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
                                strSQL = &quot;SELECT bID FROM ebanner WHERE bank > 0 AND bCat=&quot; & strSiteCat & &quot; ORDER BY bID DESC LIMIT 1&quot; 
                                set maxid = my_conn.Execute(strSQL) 
								strMaxId = maxid(&quot;bID&quot;)
								set maxid = nothing
					'# Check max ID
					If strSelectedID = strMaxID or strSelectedID = &quot;&quot; then   '# ERROR HERE LINE 91
								 set selectabanner = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
                                strSQL = &quot;SELECT * FROM ebanner WHERE bank > 0 AND bCat=&quot; & strSiteCat & &quot; AND bID <> &quot; & sMyID & &quot; AND bID > 0 ORDER BY bID ASC LIMIT 1&quot;

                                set selectabanner = my_conn.Execute(strSQL)	
										strSelectedID = selectabanner(&quot;bID&quot;)
								'# banner image link
									strBIMG = selectabanner(&quot;banner_img&quot;)
								'# so we can add 1 to site exposure
									strBannerExp = selectabanner(&quot;user_exposure&quot;)
								'# so we can minus 2
									strSiteBank = selectabanner(&quot;bank&quot;)    
								 	strOLDid = selectabanner(&quot;old_id&quot;)
									set selectabanner = nothing
						End if
							'#  update banner shown data
							set updatebanner = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
							strSQL = &quot;UPDATE ebanner SET bank=&quot; & strSiteBank - strBannerMinusShown & &quot;, onsite_exposures=&quot; & strBannerExp + 1  & &quot; WHERE bID=&quot; & strSelecteID
 							Set updatebanner = my_conn.execute(strSql) 

							'# update site account information
							set updatesite = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
							strSQL = &quot;UPDATE ebanner SET bank=&quot; & strSiteBank + strSitePlusShown & &quot;, onsite_view=&quot; & strView + 1 
							Set updatesite = my_conn.execute(strSql)

<a href=&quot;#&quot;><img src=&quot;<%=strBIMG%>&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></a> <%=strSelectedID%>
/ [wink]
Hi there
as you saw in line 91 you have Type mismatch error
because strSelectedID is an Integer and you cann't use
strSelectedID = &quot;&quot;
it means that you are comparing integer with string and
that's why it generates error.
you can use this :
strSelectedID = 0
so ther won't be any error.
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