I'm still having problems rotating a simple line of type ninety degrees. It appears to work fine in edit .fla mode, but in Test Movie or Preview or even once published as a .swf, the type disappears on the vertical axis, and just blinks each time the keyframe where it is on a horizontal basis loops by....
What am I failing to do here? Anyone? Do I need to Break Apart the type before rotating it? I can't seem to find any specific information about this, even though I own FIVE books on Flash, and R&D the heck out of FlashPlanet and other Flash websites.....
This 'wall' is really proving frustrating. Anyone have any suggestions, please?
What am I failing to do here? Anyone? Do I need to Break Apart the type before rotating it? I can't seem to find any specific information about this, even though I own FIVE books on Flash, and R&D the heck out of FlashPlanet and other Flash websites.....
This 'wall' is really proving frustrating. Anyone have any suggestions, please?