OMG cant believe this has happened! This is due for tomorrow and I didnt even touch this subroutine... now its not working ='( Im hoping someone can help me.
Error: Type is invalid.
Seriously I dont know what happened. I merely added this code which I now know is wrong as Im using conflicting types DAO and ADO but I should be able to fix that up by myself.
And I also added this code today too:
This is merely a copy / paste of another add procedure, with the correct fields and recordset used. This procedure works but the Product_Table one doesnt. Stupidly its the same as a Customer_Table that I have which is the same code but the customer table is created (Order of creation: Customer, Product, CustomerProduct).
Sorry for taking up so much space but I wanted to give you as much info incase you can help while im checking books at the library. *must buy VB books*
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."
Error: Type is invalid.
Private Sub Database_ProductTable(AbsDir, CompName As String)
Rem creates a table and adds it to the database catalogue
Dim DbaseCat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim newTBL As ADOX.Table
Dim rsProd As ADODB.Recordset 'product record structure
Dim adColNullable
Dim keyIndex As New ADOX.index
adColNullable = 2
Set DbaseCat = New ADOX.Catalog
DbaseCat.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & AbsDir & CompName
Set newTBL = New ADOX.Table
With newTBL
.Name = "Product"
With .Columns
.Append "EAN 8/13", adWChar
.Append "Title", adWChar
.Append "Price", adDecimal
.Append "Category", adWChar
.Append "Length", adWChar
End With
.Columns("EAN 8/13").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Title").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Price").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Category").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Length").Attributes = adColNullable
End With
keyIndex.Name = "EAN 8/13"
keyIndex.Unique = True
keyIndex.PrimaryKey = True
keyIndex.Columns.Append "EAN 8/13"
newTBL.Indexes.Append keyIndex
[b]DbaseCat.Tables.Append newTBL[/b]
DbaseCat.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set DbaseCat = Nothing
Set newTBL = Nothing
End Sub
Seriously I dont know what happened. I merely added this code which I now know is wrong as Im using conflicting types DAO and ADO but I should be able to fix that up by myself.
Private Sub Database_CustomerProductTable(AbsDir, CompName As String)
Rem creates a table and adds it to the database catalogue
Dim DbaseCat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim newTBL As ADOX.Table
Dim adColNullable
Dim keyIndex As New ADOX.index
Dim tblRelation As New Relation
Dim ForeignFld As Field
adColNullable = 2
Set DbaseCat = New ADOX.Catalog
DbaseCat.ActiveConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & AbsDir & CompName
Set newTBL = New ADOX.Table
With newTBL
.Name = "CustomerProduct"
.Columns.Append "Order ID", adInteger
.Columns.Append "Folder", adWChar
.Columns.Append "EAN 8/13", adWChar
.Columns.Append "Quantity", adWChar
.Columns("Order ID").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Folder").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("EAN 8/13").Attributes = adColNullable
.Columns("Quantity").Attributes = adColNullable
End With
keyIndex.Name = "Order ID"
keyIndex.Unique = True
keyIndex.PrimaryKey = True
keyIndex.Columns.Append "Order ID"
newTBL.Indexes.Append keyIndex
keyIndex.Name = "Folder"
keyIndex.Columns.Append "Folder"
keyIndex.Name = "EAN 8/13"
keyIndex.Columns.Append "EAN 8/13"
Set tblRelation = DbaseCat.Create("Relation 1")
tblRelation.Table = "CustomerProduct"
tblRelation.ForeignTable = "Customer"
Set ForeignFld = tblRelation.CreateField("Folder")
tblRelation.Fields.Append ForeignFld
tblRelation.Attributes = dbRelationDeleteCascade
DbaseCat.Relations.Append tblRelation
DbaseCat.Tables.Append newTBL
DbaseCat.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set DbaseCat = Nothing
Set newTBL = Nothing
End Sub
And I also added this code today too:
Public Sub Add_Product()
Rem adds a product to the product table using data from the gui
Dim dbConn As ADODB.Connection 'Connection to the database
Dim rsProduct As ADODB.Recordset 'product record structure
Dim AdminRec As AdminRecord
Dim AdminFile As String
Dim index As Integer
AdminFile = flpath & flName
Open AdminFile For Random As #1
index = 1
Get #1, index, AdminRec
Close #1
Set dbConn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsProduct = New ADODB.Recordset
With dbConn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & AdminRec.flDir & AdminRec.flName
End With
rsProduct.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsProduct.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rsProduct.Open "SELECT * FROM product", dbConn
rsProduct.Fields("Title") = MOSgui.txtUserName
rsProduct.Fields("EAN 8/13") = MOSgui.txtFlDir
rsProduct.Fields("Price") = MOSgui.txtAddress2
rsProduct.Fields("Category") = MOSgui.lstCategory
rsProduct.Fields("Length") = MOSgui.lstLength
Set dbConn = Nothing
Set rsProduct = Nothing
End Sub
This is merely a copy / paste of another add procedure, with the correct fields and recordset used. This procedure works but the Product_Table one doesnt. Stupidly its the same as a Customer_Table that I have which is the same code but the customer table is created (Order of creation: Customer, Product, CustomerProduct).
Sorry for taking up so much space but I wanted to give you as much info incase you can help while im checking books at the library. *must buy VB books*
"To the pressure, everything's just like: an illusion. I'll be losing you before long..."