Our main business is typesetting and we have MANY fonts online. We were using FontMinder (originally be Aries) for all our management and creation of groups for specific projects. However, FontMinder no longer works reliably under Windows 98 2nd Edition.
We have now become so completely exasperated trying to keep track of fonts and font groups for projects that we would like to write our own font management program.
The only real thing we are missing is how to activate Type 1 PostScript fonts. Microsoft basically says that talk to Adobe and I am about to pursue that now, but I wanted to drop you all a note in the mean time to see if anyone has any ideas.
Much appreciated.
We have now become so completely exasperated trying to keep track of fonts and font groups for projects that we would like to write our own font management program.
The only real thing we are missing is how to activate Type 1 PostScript fonts. Microsoft basically says that talk to Adobe and I am about to pursue that now, but I wanted to drop you all a note in the mean time to see if anyone has any ideas.
Much appreciated.