I'm trying to get two groups on a report. The first group contains all records where daysLate is <7 , the other for all records where daysLate is >7. Can i use 2 queries and then put them both on 1 report with their own headers and footers?
Two solutions at first look:
1) either put the report producing what you expect twice as a sub-report in an embedding report. The first one based on the query <7 and the second on the query >7.
2) Or create an additional field in your query which value is 1 when dayslate <7 and 2 when dayslate >7
Add a group in your report based on this field at the top level. Use the parameter of this group to achieve the correct page skip and group header printout.
In the group header section put a text box reflecting the value through a formula like: =iif(dayslate>7;"More than 7 days late";"Less than 7 days late"
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