Two routers with their own external static public IP’s serving PORTIONS of the same internal subnet. Is that OK ? Any nasty ramifications ?
So router1’s external is and two’s is 1’s internal address block is to 0.160 with a gateway of 0.2 and router 2’s internal block runs say from 0.161 to 0.250 using a gate way of 0.1
All machines on the 0 subnet need to see each other (and can); again ,any nasty problems in the future ?
So router1’s external is and two’s is 1’s internal address block is to 0.160 with a gateway of 0.2 and router 2’s internal block runs say from 0.161 to 0.250 using a gate way of 0.1
All machines on the 0 subnet need to see each other (and can); again ,any nasty problems in the future ?