- Dec 19, 2007
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There are two bugs in my code that simply won't go away no matter how much I try to fix them, and they are:
1) When I use charbychar to print out string 'myname', all I get is '$'.
2) Findmax returns 0 in ax no matter what values I had input into the array nums earlier on.
Any input on this issue is deeply appreciated.
1) When I use charbychar to print out string 'myname', all I get is '$'.
2) Findmax returns 0 in ax no matter what values I had input into the array nums earlier on.
Any input on this issue is deeply appreciated.
.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db "Program start", 13, 10, "$"
nuln db 13, 10, "$"
ttle db "This program demonstrates the manipulation of arrays in 8086 Assembler.", 13, 10, "$"
count dw ?
myname db 14 DUP (?)
nums dw 16 DUP (?)
prmt0 db "Enter name: $"
prmt1 db "Input number of ints to read in (1 to 15): $"
prmt2 db "Enter an integer: $"
oa db "Original Array", 13, 10, "$"
sa db "is the sum of the array elements.", 13, 10, "$"
ua db "Updated Array", 13, 10, "$"
la db "is the largest input value.", 13, 10, "$"
fin db "Finished.", 13, 10, "$"
extrn printdec: proc
extrn getdec: proc
extrn printmsg: proc
Assn6 proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
mov dx, offset ttle
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov dx, offset prmt0
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
;Read in a name into myname via character I/O. Put in a '$' at the end of the char array.
sub si, si
mov ah, 01h
Top: int 21h
mov myname[si], al
inc si
cmp al, 13
jne Top
mov myname[si], '$'
mov dx, offset nuln
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
;Read in how many integers to read into nums, then read in that many. (15 maximum)
Tap: ;Prompt for number of ints to read into num.
mov bx, offset prmt1
call printmsg
call getdec
cmp ax, 0
jle Btm
cmp ax, 15
Btm: jg Tap
mov cx, ax
mov count, ax
sub si, si
R3p: ;Prompt for value to store in array slot.
mov bx, offset prmt2
call printmsg
call getdec
mov nums[si], ax
add si, 2
loop R3p
;Call printmsg to print string myname via function 9 of int 21h.
mov bx, offset myname
call printmsg
;Send myname to charbychar and print that out character by character, '$' included.
mov bx, offset myname
call charbychar
;Print a heading like "Original Array"
mov bx, offset oa
call printmsg
;Send nums to printarray and use that to print its values.
mov bx, offset nums
mov cx, count
call printarr
;Use sumarray to sum up the n values in nums.
call sumarr
call printdec
mov bx, offset sa
call printmsg
;Print a heading like "Updated Array"
mov bx, offset ua
call printmsg
;Use add12 to deal with the +12 to each negative value in nums then call printarr to display the updated values.
mov bx, offset nums
call add12
call printarr
;Use findmax to find largest value in nums array.
mov bx, offset nums
call findmax
call printdec
mov bx, offset la
call printmsg
mov ah, 4ch ;Return to DOS
mov al, 0
int 21h
Assn6 endp
;Prints out an array character by character.
charbychar proc
push ax
push si
sub si, si
mov ah, 02h
Top1: mov dl, [bx + si]
int 21h
cmp dl, '$'
je Done
inc si
jmp Top1
pop si
pop ax
charbychar endp
;Displays the contents of array nums.
printarr proc
push ax
push bx
push cx
sub si, si
Top2: mov ax, [bx + si]
call printdec
add si, 2
loop Top2
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printarr endp
;Computes the summation of the array's values and returns that to main for printing via printmsg.
sumarr proc
push cx
push si
sub ax, ax
sub si, si
Top3: add ax, [bx + si]
add si, 2
loop Top3
pop si
pop cx
sumarr endp
;Searches through the array's elements and adds 12 to each one that is negative.
add12 proc
push ax
push cx
push si
sub si, si
cmp [bx + si], 0
jge Pos
add [bx + si], 12
Pos: add si, 2
loop Top4
pop si
pop cx
pop ax
add12 endp
;Finds the largest value in the array and returns that to main.
findmax proc
push cx
push si
sub si, si
sub ax, ax
Top5: cmp ax, [bx + si]
jl Lstn
mov ax, [bx + si]
Lstn: add si, 2
loop Top5
pop si
pop cx
findmax endp
end Assn6
;Code for external proc printmsg
.model small
nuln db 13, 10, "$"
PUBLIC printmsg
printmsg proc
push ax
push dx
mov dx, bx
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov dx, offset nuln
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax
printmsg endp