I have a relatively simple network involving two subnets. I've had a DHCP server running on my main subnet for a while. Yesterday, I installed a DHCP server on the other subnet where, up 'til now the machines have been using static addresses.
Is this the wrong solution for giving machines on the second subnet dynamic addresses? The problem is, when a machine on either subnet requests an address, either DHCP server may answer it. Sometimes a machine on one subnet gets its address from the server on the other subnet.
How can I keep the two DHCP servers from talking to machines on the wrong subnets?
Is this the wrong solution for giving machines on the second subnet dynamic addresses? The problem is, when a machine on either subnet requests an address, either DHCP server may answer it. Sometimes a machine on one subnet gets its address from the server on the other subnet.
How can I keep the two DHCP servers from talking to machines on the wrong subnets?