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two dependent comboboxes. 2

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Technical User
Dec 31, 2001
Does anyone have any code for two dependent combo boxes? I've managed a single dependent combo before.

Will look like this Courses>>Classes>>Sessions

I'll be populating them through an ASP loop.
Well, I thought I looked hard enough. I see in the FAQ and posts a few refernces to one dependent listbox, but not two. What keywords are you using, as my searches appear ineffective.

the most ideal way to perform this action is to have each of the first two select boxes submit the page whenever they're changed (using the onload event).

then, on the server side (asp, php, what-have-you), you'll parse the values from the fields, and, based on the values, you'll redisplay the same page with the necessary data.

that is the easiest way.

the other way is to get everything from the database on the initial loading of the page, and fill JavaScript multi-dimensional arrays that will be driven by the user changing a selection in the list box.

again, i suggest doing this server-side, because it's a) neater, b) cross-browser functional, and c) operable even if JavaScript has been disabled.

[tt]a frickin' twelve-gauge, what do you think?[/tt]
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.coryarthus.com/[/url]
here's a quick and dirty example (copy/paste into a new page to test the functionality)
<script language=javascript>

var arr = new Array();
arr[0] = new Array();
arr[1] = new Array();
arr[0][0] = new Array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "sometimes y");
arr[0][1] = new Array("b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z");
arr[1][0] = new Array("2", "4", "6", "8", "10");
arr[1][1] = new Array("1", "3", "5", "7", "9");

function changeFirst(obj1, obj2) {
   obj2.options.length = 0;
   if (obj1.selectedIndex == 0) {
      obj2.options[obj2.options.length] = new Option("vowels", "vowels");
      obj2.options[obj2.options.length] = new Option("consonants", "consonants");
   else {
      obj2.options[obj2.options.length] = new Option("evens", "evens");
      obj2.options[obj2.options.length] = new Option("odds", "odds");
   changeSecond(obj1, obj2, document.forms["blahForm"].elements["third"]);

function changeSecond(obj1, obj2, obj3) {
   obj3.options.length = 0;
   select1 = document.forms["blahForm"].elements["first"].selectedIndex;
   select2 = obj2.selectedIndex;
   for (i = 0; i < arr[select1][select2].length; i++) {
      obj3.options[obj3.options.length] = new Option(arr[select1][select2][i], arr[select1][select2][i]);

<body onload='changeFirst(document.forms["blahForm"].elements["first"], document.forms["blahForm"].elements["second"]);'>
<form name=blahForm>
<select name=first onchange='changeFirst(this, document.forms["blahForm"].elements["second"])'>
<select name=second onchange='changeSecond(document.forms["blahForm"].elements["first"], this, document.forms["blahForm"].elements["third"])'></select>
<select name=third></select>


Do the chickens have large talons?
Thanks guys.

I've already got it working with serverside processing. I was trying to not have to submit and save the form if the user makes a change to the combo boxes. Right now if they change any of the comboboxes, their form input is lost.

For both of you, I caught you a delicious bass.

And stars.

Hehe - I know you've solved it, but I'll post this anyway as I worked on it ;o)

	<script type="text/javascript">
		var courseData = [];
		courseData[courseData.length] = { idToMatch: '*', value: '0', name: 'Cookery' };
		courseData[courseData.length] = { idToMatch: '*', value: '1', name: 'Gardening' };
		courseData[courseData.length] = { idToMatch: '*', value: '2', name: 'Massage' };

		var classData = [];
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '0', value: '0', name: 'Cooking meat' };
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '0', value: '1', name: 'Cooking vegetables' };
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '0', value: '2', name: 'Cooking the books' };
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '1', value: '3', name: 'Gardening for beginners' };
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '1', value: '4', name: 'Indoor gardening' };
		classData[classData.length] = { idToMatch: '2', value: '5', name: 'Thai massage' };

		var sessionData = [];
		sessionData[sessionData.length] = { idToMatch: '0', value: '0', name: 'Session A' };
		sessionData[sessionData.length] = { idToMatch: '1', value: '1', name: 'Session A' };
		sessionData[sessionData.length] = { idToMatch: '1', value: '2', name: 'Session B' };
		sessionData[sessionData.length] = { idToMatch: '2', value: '3', name: 'Session A' };
		sessionData[sessionData.length] = { idToMatch: '2', value: '4', name: 'Session B' };

		function populateSelectBoxes() {

		function populateSelectBox(selBoxName, idToMatch) {
			var selObj = document.forms['myForm'].elements[selBoxName];
			while (selObj.length) selObj.remove(0);
			for (var loop=0; loop<window[selBoxName].length; loop++) {
				if (window[selBoxName][loop].idToMatch == '*' || idToMatch == window[selBoxName][loop].idToMatch) {
					selObj.add(new Option(window[selBoxName][loop].name, window[selBoxName][loop].value));

			// if no options available, insert "no items available" item
			if (selObj.options.length == 0) selObj.add(new Option('No items available', ''));

			// select first item
			selObj.selectedIndex = 0;
			selectChanged(selBoxName, selObj.options[0].value);

		function selectChanged(selBoxName, idToMatch) {
			if (selBoxName == 'courseData') {
				populateSelectBox('classData', idToMatch);
			} else if (selBoxName == 'classData') {
				populateSelectBox('sessionData', idToMatch);

<body onload="populateSelectBoxes();">
	<form name="myForm">
		<select name="courseData" onchange="selectChanged(this.name, this.value);"></select>
		<select name="classData" onchange="selectChanged(this.name, this.value);"></select>
		<select name="sessionData"></select>

The select names have to be the same as for the arrays that their data is held in, but this should never pose a problem.


The answers you get are only as good as the information you give!

Thanks for the delicious bass, uncle Rico's been eating all the steak.


Do the chickens have large talons?
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Part and Inventory Search

