hi there,
I was wondering if it was possible to execute two commands at once and set it as an alias in bash_profile.
I want to have a single command to do
"sudo -H -u user1 bash" and then "cd ~" in one command and have it set as an alias in bash_profile.
I saw something on the internet that went
alias suuser1 ='sudo -H -u user1 bash; cd ~' but that didn't quite work.
Is my only option to write a seperate shell script for this?
I was wondering if it was possible to execute two commands at once and set it as an alias in bash_profile.
I want to have a single command to do
"sudo -H -u user1 bash" and then "cd ~" in one command and have it set as an alias in bash_profile.
I saw something on the internet that went
alias suuser1 ='sudo -H -u user1 bash; cd ~' but that didn't quite work.
Is my only option to write a seperate shell script for this?