Of course. Set AA/Lines ans=N Set F982 Operator Avail=Y Ans Trunk=Y; then Go to Services Create a ringing group with only the CP DN; Make night service Manual; place the lines into the same ringing group the CP DN is in; Program F871 to a button on 221. That's it. If you want the CP to pick up after several rings; make the prime set for your lines the CP DN and set DRT=Y and adjust the rings to your needs.
Be aware that Nortel will not support this type of nite ringing. If you have problems with the functioning of this setup, ITAS will just say 'Thanks for calling. Have a nice day'
Nortels position is that Ringing Service is for answering the lines after hours, Operator Status (F982) is for answering with AA after hours
Never Ever had a problem with this set up. If ITAS doesn't like this one, who cares? Imagine what they don't like on a Meridian Option? More work arounds than a Fun House.
Can't disagree but I have had two different MICS systems of different software versions using this setup that just stopped working (the nite service). Nothing could get it to work again as it had for so long. The only way to get AA for nights was use F982. And I tried everything except changing software.
The reason I mention ITAS is because of their hard-nosed attitude recently. They are getting really strict about what they will/will not support, probably some sort of cost saving measure. Most of us would prefer to use a forum such as this one to get answers, tips, tricks, and work-arounds. But ITAS does have a place in the equation if you want to jump through the hoops
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