I have been given an assignment to make a procedure run faster. It's select statement to fill the cursor is ugly with some correlated sub queries. I set autotrace on for the Execution Plan and Statistics. It has 6 Full Table Scans and some are in a loop. This I believe has to be the problem, but I am not yet sure how to rewrite it to remove the FTS. It also has a CASE statement with a passed in parameter l_option. My first move was to remove the l_option and make two procedures.
Original Select
I changed it to this
And it went from 3:14 to 0:5 and I was very happy though I did not understand why.
What is really confusing me is when I change the logical delete indcators that are in bold it takes 2:12 to run.
Why did removing the CASE statement make such a difference?
Why would the same query that takes 0:5 to run take 2:12 to run with different values? It must be the data but I do not understand.
Any help or how to approach this would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone would like to see Execution Plan and Statictics please let me know and I'll post them.
Thank you very much,
Original Select
SELECT DISTINCT atx.create_userid AS arsuser
,atx.transmission_id AS transmissionid
,atx.transmission_status AS transstatus
,tsc.trans_status_code_desc AS transstatusdesc
,' ') AS transcomment
,atx.create_datetime AS transdate
FROM transmission atx
INNER JOIN ref_transmission_status_code tsc
ON tsc.transmission_status_code = atx.transmission_status
INNER JOIN transmission_sub_program tsp
ON atx.transmission_id = tsp.transmission_id
INNER JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity tre
ON tre.transmission_sub_program_id = tsp.transmission_sub_program_id
INNER JOIN rate_effectivity re
ON re.effectivity_id = tre.effectivity_id
WHERE atx.transmission_id > 1
AND EXISTS (SELECT tr.transmission_rate_id
FROM transmission_rate tr
WHERE tr.transmission_effectivity_id = tre.transmission_effectivity_id
AND tr.rate_status_code = 'TX_DOH')
AND EXISTS (SELECT treff.effectivity_id
FROM transmission_rate xr1
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity treff
ON xr1.transmission_effectivity_id = treff.transmission_effectivity_id
JOIN rate_effectivity reff
ON reff.effectivity_id = treff.effectivity_id
WHERE xr1.rate_id IN (NVL((SELECT MAX(xr.superceeds_rate_id)
FROM transmission_rate xr
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity xre
ON xr.transmission_effectivity_id = xre.transmission_effectivity_id
WHERE xre.effectivity_id = re.effectivity_id
AND xre.effectivity_status_code = 'TX_DOH')
,(SELECT MAX(xr.rate_id)
FROM transmission_rate xr
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity xre
ON xr.transmission_effectivity_id = xre.transmission_effectivity_id
WHERE xre.effectivity_id = re.effectivity_id
AND xre.effectivity_status_code = 'TX_DOH')))
WHEN l_option = 1
AND reff.logical_delete_ind = 'N'
AND re.logical_delete_ind = 'Y'
AND reff.effective_date <= re.effective_date
WHEN l_option = 2
AND reff.logical_delete_ind = 'Y'
AND re.logical_delete_ind = 'N'
AND reff.effective_date <= re.effective_date
WHEN l_option = 3
AND reff.effective_date <= re.effective_date
ORDER BY atx.transmission_id DESC;
SELECT DISTINCT atx.create_userid AS arsuser
,atx.transmission_id AS transmissionid
,atx.transmission_status AS transstatus
,tsc.trans_status_code_desc AS transstatusdesc
,' ') AS transcomment
,atx.create_datetime AS transdate
FROM transmission atx
INNER JOIN ref_transmission_status_code tsc
ON tsc.transmission_status_code = atx.transmission_status
INNER JOIN transmission_sub_program tsp
ON atx.transmission_id = tsp.transmission_id
INNER JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity tre
ON tre.transmission_sub_program_id = tsp.transmission_sub_program_id
INNER JOIN rate_effectivity re
ON re.effectivity_id = tre.effectivity_id
WHERE atx.transmission_id > 1
AND EXISTS (SELECT tre1.transmission_effectivity_id
FROM transmission_rate_effectivity tre1
WHERE tre1.transmission_effectivity_id = tre.transmission_effectivity_id
AND tre1.effectivity_status_code = 'TX_DOH')
AND EXISTS (SELECT tre2.effectivity_id
FROM transmission_rate xr1
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity tre2
ON xr1.transmission_effectivity_id = tre2.transmission_effectivity_id
JOIN rate_effectivity reff
ON reff.effectivity_id = tre2.effectivity_id
WHERE xr1.rate_id = (NVL((SELECT MAX(xr.superceeds_rate_id)
FROM transmission_rate xr
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity xre
ON xr.transmission_effectivity_id = xre.transmission_effectivity_id
WHERE xre.effectivity_id = re.effectivity_id
AND xr.rate_status_code = 'TX_DOH')
,(SELECT MAX(xr.rate_id)
FROM transmission_rate xr
JOIN transmission_rate_effectivity xre
ON xr.transmission_effectivity_id = xre.transmission_effectivity_id
WHERE xre.effectivity_id = re.effectivity_id
AND xr.rate_status_code = 'TX_DOH')))
[b] AND reff.logical_delete_ind = 'N'
AND re.logical_delete_ind = 'Y')[/b]
ORDER BY atx.transmission_id DESC;
What is really confusing me is when I change the logical delete indcators that are in bold it takes 2:12 to run.
[b] AND reff.logical_delete_ind = 'Y'
AND re.logical_delete_ind = 'N')[/b]
Why would the same query that takes 0:5 to run take 2:12 to run with different values? It must be the data but I do not understand.
Any help or how to approach this would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone would like to see Execution Plan and Statictics please let me know and I'll post them.
Thank you very much,