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TTY Port Help 1

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Apr 7, 2009
Hi Guys,

I have the following ports on my CS1000.


I've been trying to dial in with the modem info I've been given but once it connects, HyperTerminal doesn't do anything. On a Meridian 61c I've got I've got a description of RACE next to one of the TTY's. So I know that's my port for dial up but on this CS1000 it doesn't look like one's configured. I need to find or configure a port for dial up but I don't really know where to start can anyone help ??

Thanks Lee.
This looks like an SSC based PBX, if so, on the faceplate of the SSC there are baud rate dipswitches, just set 9600, then connect a modem in dumb mode and autoanswer to port 0 on the cable that plugs into the backplane that splits into 3 serial cables.

Connect using VT100 emulation.
Hi Pronei, thanks for the response, you might have to dull it down for me a bit. I'm technical but pretty amateur with this side of voice. I've got 3 main cabs for the CS1000. In the top one where the serial cables seem to come out for TTY connections, there's an SSC blade in there and it's got port 1 with green light, port 3 with orange. baud rate 19200.

in the next cab down (larger), there's an SSC blade again, but only with port 2 green lit. Again, baud rate 19200.

I currently take a floating com cable from the back of the CS to plug into my laptop and make chages, would one of these boards be the management for this and the other the dial up ? apologises if that's a laughable question but my backgrounds Mitel.
Use the three legged cable from the main cabinet (the cabinet that has the lowest loop/card numbers). One of them is generally for a local dumb terminal (Port 0 for example) and another (Port 1 for example) is for a modem. Getting "nothing" does not mean it isn't configured right, but you can LD22 REQ PRT, TYPE ADAN TTY 1 to see.

Your PC's communications settings should match the speed of the CS1000 port. Terminal emulation should be VT100 or VT220.

Does that help?

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators
the lights are for fiber connections to the other 2 cab's.. when you open the cover../ the db9 on the left below the ps has a cable with 3 tails.. the one marked port 0 is the factory built tty.. the baud setting on the faceplate of the scc determines the speed.. it is 8 none and one.. direct to a modem you will not need a null BUT you'll need the correct on the modem

tty ports do not have status lamps

john poole
bellsouth business
That does actually thank you. Just quickly, with the three legged cable, if none were plugged in, how could you tell which cable is for which TTY port ? For example, I've found that TTY1 is set up for a 56k modem, I know need to plug the modem in. How do I know which of the three cables to I need to plug into the modem. I'm sorry, I know this probably sounds really stupid, but I'm trying to map it all out in my little mind.

Thanks Lee.
Use the COM port you connect your Laptop to, and connect it to your modem. You will have to connect or remove a NULL MODEM / MODEM Eliminator between the cable and the Modem.
As if the cable works to your lapop its DTE and the Modem is DCE, so a NULL Modem converts between the two.
If none were plugged in and there is no local dumb terminal, then I would use Port 1 for the modem.

If there _is_ a local dumb terminal plugged in and working ~and~ you can see Port 0 is unused right now, then I would use Port 0 for the modem.

Note, the cables (of the three legged assembly) do have markings on the head ends. They should be marked Port 0, Port 1 and Port 2.

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators
Outstanding advice MossEng. I bet that is the issue.

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators
Outstanding responses guys thank you. The site in question I only visit once a month so I'll have to try using the com cable without the modem null first and go from there. Thanks again.
Gents, I've just hooked it all up, dialled in and I'm getting this character come up when I hit enter '{' I can hit enter all day long and get {}{}}}}{{{ ...which is nice becuase it means I'm kind of talking to the switch but not exactly the prompt I was hoping for. I'm connected using hyperterm and using emulation vt100 as you suggested. Could it just be the emulation that is wrong ?
In Connect Properties, there are also "Hardware Settings"

Try 7 E 1 or 8 N 1

Also set Speed to 9600 - or take a guess what it is. Could also be 1200 or 2400

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators

I've done 1200, with 7 E 1, 1200 with 8 n 1, 9600 with the same, 19200, with auto emulation, with Vt100 emulation,with every combination I get {}}{} or 2222112 ....is there an alternative to hyperterm that has a dial up option not just SSH, TCP, Telnet etc.
Sometimes, it's the modem in your PC that cannot negotiate down to the "stupidity" of the modem that is on the PBX. For example, a lot of laptop modems are next to impossible to get working at the slow speed of the switch.

If your PC has a Lucent based chipset modem, you might try one that has a Conexant based chipset modem... (I think I have the chipsets right)

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators
I've actually got a Conexant so I might try updating the driver for that . Thanks againt.
On an SSC card (tty0) the possible baud rates (via dipswitch on SSC Faceplate) are

Try to lock your modem into each of those speeds until you get the correct characters.
I found this trick once: faq798-6463

[©] GHTROUT.com [⇔] A Variety of Free Resources for Nortel Meridian/CS1000 System Administrators
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