I'm new to VHDL and I have to write small module that takes in encoded serial data and decodes it and displays it on an LED HEX digit.
Basically, the module receives bits on two 1-bit input lines: D+ and D-. Every second, it receives a series of 4 bits on these lines. For these four bits, one bit stays on the line for 3.125 microsecs.
When the lines aren't sending anything, they're both zero.
For sending intial 1: D+ = 1, D- =0
For sending intial 0: D+ = 0, D- = 1
The rest of the three bits in a 4-bit sequence use the following encoding: the lines (D+, D-) toggle when the bit sent is 0, and stay at their current values if the bit sent is a 1.
The job of this module that I'm trying to write is to figure out the 4 bit sequence that is being sent by sampling the two input lines and then displaying the hex digit created by the 4 bits on an LED display. The module has a 40MHz clock.
I think I know how to do the LED display part, however, I am really lost about how to sample the lines and to take into account the encoding of the sender. A counter is supposed to be used to keep track of the samples of a particular bit since there may be jitter between the bits.
Any help would be really appreciated!
I'm new to VHDL and I have to write small module that takes in encoded serial data and decodes it and displays it on an LED HEX digit.
Basically, the module receives bits on two 1-bit input lines: D+ and D-. Every second, it receives a series of 4 bits on these lines. For these four bits, one bit stays on the line for 3.125 microsecs.
When the lines aren't sending anything, they're both zero.
For sending intial 1: D+ = 1, D- =0
For sending intial 0: D+ = 0, D- = 1
The rest of the three bits in a 4-bit sequence use the following encoding: the lines (D+, D-) toggle when the bit sent is 0, and stay at their current values if the bit sent is a 1.
The job of this module that I'm trying to write is to figure out the 4 bit sequence that is being sent by sampling the two input lines and then displaying the hex digit created by the 4 bits on an LED display. The module has a 40MHz clock.
I think I know how to do the LED display part, however, I am really lost about how to sample the lines and to take into account the encoding of the sender. A counter is supposed to be used to keep track of the samples of a particular bit since there may be jitter between the bits.
Any help would be really appreciated!