I've been trying to rewrite my code to validate within firefox. I've gone through loads of pages and done ok - replace @ with @amp; and close <BR> <HR> <input> as <input /> for example
I'm still getting some errors but can't see what its getting at now...............any help appreciated
warning: <input> isn't allowed in <table> elements
warning: missing <tr> (that highlights on table border='0')
warning: discarding unexpected <table>
warning: missing <td> (that highlights on <TR> after the table border='0' line)
warning: missing <td> (that highlights on </TR> after table border='0' line again)
Dim azPath, azID
azID = "1129"
azPath = " + azID
Dim arrLetters
arrLetters =
b = "</P>"
b = b & "<table summary=""Choose a letter to view the services"" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=80%
class='atoz'>" & _
For x = 0 to 25
If x = 0 or x = 13 then
b = b & "<tr>"
End If
b = b & "<td align=center valign=middle>" & _
"<a href='" & azPath & "&id=" & _
arrLetters(x) & "' class='Business'>" & arrLetters(x) & "<span class=""invis"">-</span></a></td>"
If x = 12 or x = 25 then
b = b & "</tr>"
End If
b = b & "</tbody></table>"
b = b & "<span class=""plaintext"">"
Alphaid = Request.QueryString("id")
If Alphaid="all" Then
sqlstmt="Select * From Table1_new ORDER BY Name Asc"
sqlstmt="Select * From Table1_new WHERE Name like '" & AlphaID & "%%' ORDER BY Name Asc"
end if
set rs=ObjCon.execute(sqlstmt)
if rs.eof then
b = b & "<font color='#FF0000'><CENTER><H2>No Records</H2></CENTER></font>"
do while not rs.eof
b = b & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""PageID"" value=""" & request("page") & """ />"
pagelink = "main.asp?page=1134&atoz=" & request.querystring("ID") & "&PID=" & PAGEID & "&id="
b = b & "<table border='0' width='100%'>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'><a href= " & pagelink & rs("ID") & ">" & rs("Name") & "</a></td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'>" & rs("Section1_Matter") & "</td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'>" & rs("Section1_Officer") & "</td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='75%'></td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "</table>"
end if
b = b & "</span>"
objBODY = b
I'm still getting some errors but can't see what its getting at now...............any help appreciated
warning: <input> isn't allowed in <table> elements
warning: missing <tr> (that highlights on table border='0')
warning: discarding unexpected <table>
warning: missing <td> (that highlights on <TR> after the table border='0' line)
warning: missing <td> (that highlights on </TR> after table border='0' line again)
Dim azPath, azID
azID = "1129"
azPath = " + azID
Dim arrLetters
arrLetters =
b = "</P>"
b = b & "<table summary=""Choose a letter to view the services"" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=80%
class='atoz'>" & _
For x = 0 to 25
If x = 0 or x = 13 then
b = b & "<tr>"
End If
b = b & "<td align=center valign=middle>" & _
"<a href='" & azPath & "&id=" & _
arrLetters(x) & "' class='Business'>" & arrLetters(x) & "<span class=""invis"">-</span></a></td>"
If x = 12 or x = 25 then
b = b & "</tr>"
End If
b = b & "</tbody></table>"
b = b & "<span class=""plaintext"">"
Alphaid = Request.QueryString("id")
If Alphaid="all" Then
sqlstmt="Select * From Table1_new ORDER BY Name Asc"
sqlstmt="Select * From Table1_new WHERE Name like '" & AlphaID & "%%' ORDER BY Name Asc"
end if
set rs=ObjCon.execute(sqlstmt)
if rs.eof then
b = b & "<font color='#FF0000'><CENTER><H2>No Records</H2></CENTER></font>"
do while not rs.eof
b = b & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""PageID"" value=""" & request("page") & """ />"
pagelink = "main.asp?page=1134&atoz=" & request.querystring("ID") & "&PID=" & PAGEID & "&id="
b = b & "<table border='0' width='100%'>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'><a href= " & pagelink & rs("ID") & ">" & rs("Name") & "</a></td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'>" & rs("Section1_Matter") & "</td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='100%'>" & rs("Section1_Officer") & "</td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "<tr>"
b = b & "<td width='75%'></td>"
b = b & "</tr>"
b = b & "</table>"
end if
b = b & "</span>"
objBODY = b