I am simply trying to update a record. I have 2 forms. One form "Open Forms" and another form "Close Forms". When the user clicks the close form button they are prompted to enter the FileNo that they want to close. Once they enter the FileNo the "Close Forms" form opens up with prefilled text boxes called FileNo, Status, Attorney, Dept. and Description. Then the 3 fields DateClosed, BoxNo and Room does not come in prefilled. the user enters data in the 3 that's not prefilled. Once the user enters the data in the 3 fields they click a button that says 'Update Record". The "Status" field changes from "Active" to "Closed". Now this all works but the problem is.....every now and then (randomly) when a record is closed, instead of changing the status from "active" to "closed" it just writes a new recored with the status "closed". Now I have 2 records with duplicate fields except status. It doesn't do it everytime, it just does it randomly and I can't figure out why.
here is my code
Me!Status = "Closed" ' Change the value
Me.Dirty = False ' Commit the change
MsgBox "File Successfully Closed."
Msg = "Do you want to close another file?"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo)
If Response = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Close File"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Legal Files Main"
End If
End Sub
here is my code
Me!Status = "Closed" ' Change the value
Me.Dirty = False ' Commit the change
MsgBox "File Successfully Closed."
Msg = "Do you want to close another file?"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo)
If Response = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Close File"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Legal Files Main"
End If
End Sub