Hi I have the following script in my header:
Then in my image map I call...
When I hover over the area I get an error:
"'document.map' is null or not an object"
The error is pointing to the line:
What do I have to do to set this?
Any help extremely appreciated.
<script type="text/javascript">
var path = 'Images/';
var imgObj = new Image();
var imgs = Array('index.jpg','sheet01.jpg');
function swap(src)
Then in my image map I call...
<area shape="rect" coords="27,53,115,123" href="Maps/Far_North_lambert_sheet1.pdf" alt="Sheet 1" title="Sheet 1" onmouseover="swap('sheet01.jpg');" onmouseout="swap('index.jpg');">
When I hover over the area I get an error:
"'document.map' is null or not an object"
The error is pointing to the line:
What do I have to do to set this?
Any help extremely appreciated.